Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Big Bang)

An Infinitely
Creative Field of Quantum
Potential Am "I." 

The Actualizer
Of All Quantum Potential
Is Observation.

Observation serves
To actualize images
On a Quantum Screen.

Being is a Screen
Of Quantized Potential that
Sight actualizes.


One's Awareness of
Being is a Quantum Screen
Of Pure Potential. 

Aware Presence is
A Quantum Screen of Divine
Potential to Be.

Present Awareness
Is a Quantum Screen of Pure
Potential to Be.


A Quantized Screen of
Absolute Potential Is
The Ground of Being.

A Quantized Screen of
Non-Dual Awareness is the
Godhead Manifest.

A Quantized Screen of
Limitless Awareness is
The Absolute's Child.


A Quantized Screen of
Absolute Potential is
Replicating thought.

A Quantized Screen of
Boundless Potential To Be
Begetting self-thought.

A Quantized Screen of
Boundless Potential to Be
Now subject to mind.


The carnal mind projects 
Its self-conceptions on a
Quantum Mental Screen.

Mind projects mental
Patterns on a Quantum Screen
Moment to moment.

Mind sets are Being
Projected on a Quantum
Screen of Awareness.


Empty of All Self
Conception Divine Ideas
Come into Being.

(Related OOMM Oldies)

Remembering a
Past, projecting a future,
Missing the Moment.

The "good and bad thieves"
Of "the future and past" are
Stealing the "Present."
Ever-Present God
Seeks absent minded Man to
Give him the Kingdom.

This Holy Moment
Awareness knows Sensation
Consciousness is Born.

"Observation is the very act through which the quantum realm “discloses” itself. In quantum theory the moment of observation is where the rubber meets the road, which is to say, where abstract theory and empirical data meet and a specific actuality is realized and manifested out of a vast array of possibilities. It is important to note that/we are always “at” the moment of observation, which is to say that we’re there right now! There is no other moment but the one eternal moment of observation. The tendency to think that the moment of observation is just one single discrete moment in a linear sequence of other moments is due to the long ingrained habit of thinking in terms of linear sequential time, i.e., a “linear time hangover.” In our role as observer-participants, it is as if we are on the cutting edge of the big bang itself, on the forefront of the moment of creation that is always taking place in this very moment, in the here and now."     Paul Levy  ("Quantum Physics: The Physics of Dreaming")

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Prior to Words and Thought)

Being consciously
Aware silently declares
I Am without words.

Being conscious of
Being is a silent claim to
Present Existence.

Being consciously
Aware is a silent claim
To Knowing I Am.

Being present and
Aware as I Am is not
A function of words.

(1) Neville Goddard:

 "To be conscious of being is to silently claim, 'I AM.'" 

"There is no place man can go and not know that he is. "

"You can say I am not that, but you cannot say I am not, for your very knowing is a declaration that you are.

(From "I Know My Father")

Being consciously
Aware is not a function
Of self-reflection.
Being present and
Aware is not a function
Of self-conception.

Being consciously
Present is not a function
Of relative thought.

This Awareness of
Being I Am is prior to
Relative matters.

(2) Sri Nisargadatta:

"Prior to words you are, just be that."

"Before you can say 'I am', you must be there to say it."

"Before the words come out, before you say 'I am', that is you."

(From "Consciousness and the Absolute" and "I AM THAT")

Friday, October 17, 2014

Haiku of the Day (Divine Paradox)

Centered in the One
Abiding in the Balance
Mindful of the Light.

Self-Referenced as
The Natural State of the
Consciousness I Am.

The Natural State 
Is the Perfect Still Point Peace
Of Pure Awareness.


Self-Reference as
This Absolute Still Point Peace
At the Heart of All.

Self-Reference as
This Absolute Still Point Peace
God Is and You Are.

Self-Referenced as
This Absolute Still Point Peace
Within Your own Heart.


Central to All as
A Dimensionless Still Point
Of Absolute Peace. 

Central to All as
This Dimensionless Still Point
Peace of God I Am. 

Central to All as
This Dimensionless Still Point
Peace of Awareness. 


Fundamental to
All as a Perfect Still Point
Of Absolute Peace.

The Ground of Being
Is an Absolute Still Point
Of Sweet Simple Peace.

The Ground of All is
The Sweet Simple Peace at the
Heart of Awareness.


As Nothing Being
Everything I Am a Still Point
At the Heart of All. 

You Are both Nothing
And Everything as the Pure
Still Point Peace of God.

Both Nothing and All
As the Central Still Point Peace
Of Pure Awareness.


I have found My Self
As this Dimensionless Still
Point of Perfect Peace.

I have found My Home
As this Dimensionless Still
Point of Perfect Peace.

I have found My Place
As this Dimensionless Still
Point of Perfect Peace.


Everywhere Present
As a Dimensionless Still
Point of Perfect Peace.

Omnipresent as
A Dimensionless Still Point 
Of Absolute Peace.

One with the Father
As a Dimensionless Still
Point of Perfect Peace


I Am That I AM
As the Absolute Still Point
Within Every One.

Living Light and Love 
As the Absolute Still Point
Peace of Awareness.

Awake to Being
A Dimensionless Still Point
Of Absolute Peace.


I Am Home Free as
This Dimensionless Still Point
Of Absolute Peace.

Freedom Itself as
This Dimensionless Still Point
Of Absolute Peace

All Begins and Ends
As this Dimensionless Point
Of Absolute Peace.

[Rich Note: The Light of Awareness Wave/Particle Paradox with respect to Our All Being a Dimensionless (Quantum State), Collective Still Point (Particle State) of Absolute Peace at the Heart of Awareness; a Point
that is Simultaneously Being "All That Is" as a Quantum Field (Absolute Singularity) with a Limitless Circumference (Seen, of course, from an Absolute, Eye of God or Top Down Perspective) and "Little 0ld Me" (as I Am Bottom-Up and prior to self-conception or thought).

Or much more simply stated:

"God is a Circle Whose Center is Everywhere and Circumference is Nowhere."  Voltaire ]

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Genesis and Observership")

Everything I See
Is Being Observed into
Present Existence.

What is not Subject
To Present Observation
Has no Existence.


A Quantum State of
Being clearly implies a
Quantum Observer.  

Existence implies
A Cosmic Observer to
Maintain the Playground. 


All Existence is
A Self-Reflective Vision
Of the Absolute.

All Existence is
A Self-Refection of the
Nameless Absolute. 

All Existence is 
A Present Self-Reflection
Of God the Father.

"No phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon." John A. Wheeler

"Classical physics, the physics that existed before the discovery of quantum physics, was about uncovering what were thought to be the pre-existent laws of a separately existing universe that objectively existed independent of observation. Quantum physics obliterated the classical notion of an independently existing world forever. To quote Wheeler, “Nothing is more important about quantum physics than this: it has destroyed the concept of the world as ‘sitting out there.’ The universe will never afterwards be the same.” Quantum physics forever shattered the idea of there being an objectively existing world – it has proven that there is no such thing! It is ironic that physics, long considered the most “objective” of all the sciences, in pursuing its dedicated quest to understand the deep nature of the material universe, has dispelled the very notion of an objective universe. According to quantum theory, the idea of a world independent of our observation is a meaningless statement; it makes no sense whatsoever to talk about an objective universe as if it exists separate from our observation of it. Our perception of the universe is a part of the universe happening through us that has an instantaneous effect on the universe we are observing. It makes no sense to think of ourselves as a self-enclosed, encapsulated, independent agent existing separate from the universe. Quantum theory has opened up the door to a profoundly new vision of the cosmos, where the observer, the observed and the act of observation are inseparably united..." -- Paul Levy

(Extract from "The Physics of Dreaming" Part 1 )

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Identity)

"I take the Divine
Awareness of God to be
My Identity." -- Bill Samuel

"Stop pretending to
Be what you are not and you
Will Be What You Are." -- Sri Nisargadatta (paraphrase)


Still, Silent, Empty,
Open, Aware and Present
As This Awareness.

This Awareness is
Being that which is Seeing
All You Are reading.


Life Underlies All
As "Awareness of Being"
Present as I Am.

The Absolute Truth 
Is "Awareness of Being"
Present as You Are.


Nothing is ever
Experienced outside the
Awareness I Am.

Whatever's outside
Is experienced in the
Awareness You Are.


All that one ever
Experiences is a 
State of Awareness.

Outer objects are
Experienced as Present
States of Awareness.


Awareness is the
One Fundamental Constant
That Underlies All.

Awareness is the
One Absolute Constant at
The Heart of Being.


Awareness focused
On Itself as Perfect Peace 
Transcends All Being.

Awareness Aware
Of Itself as Still Point Peace
Is self-Transendant.


Expand Awareness
To an Infinite Degree
And You Are Home Free.

Expand Awareness
Beyond self-referenced thought
And Be What You Are.


God Is Being "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
As the Child I Am.

God Is Being "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
As the Holy One.

Re: 3 Conceptual Cross-Correlators :

(1) Bill Samuel-Wise:

Vignettes on Love 1.4 - Bill Samuel Audio Transcript

[Rich Note: Self-Realization, Liberation, Illumination, Enlightenment and how to "Do That/ Be It" in a Nutshell.]

"It has been said that discernment of identity is an uphill struggle, but it isn't really. You may have come here thinking it was going to be an uphill struggle; but, you see, we are what we are, whether it is seen or not. The simple knowledge of this fact is a great aid."

Awareness is our identity and awareness is aware whether we struggle with it or not. The fact of awareness functioning is ever effortless. It's ever going about its business of seeing, hearing, feeling, and including thoughts, all within itself. Just as it's about the business of listening to these words, right now."

I can tell you that much of the effort goes out of our daily struggle the very minute we extend this sense of identity from this body point from which we observe things, you see, the minute we extend it to infinite awareness doing the observing, unbound awareness itself."

Now, as this expanded identity, the body point is not excluded. But it is seen as sort of the center within an infinite identification that includes the universe within itself; that includes every grain of sand, and every star, and every blade of grass in the universe."

So what do we do?  We live this Child of God that we are already. And we live it without effort, without struggle; and, most wonderfully, I can tell you we live it without inhibitions.  You see,  this conscious awareness being us, this awareness that is going on, right here, right now, listening to these words, is Deity's self-awareness in action; for which Deity, Isness, Reality, God is responsible."

The weight of the world, the weight of the entire world, with all of its guilt, is lifted from our shoulders, the very instant we stop trying to be an ego, protector, custodian, possessor of awareness; the very minute we stop trying to be a personality, an ego, a big phantom bugaboo, protecting his flock (ha, ha, ha, ha) from the outspoken teachings of somebody..."

Well, the instant we stop trying to be an ego out to protect his images, out to protect his sense of possessions; the moment we stop trying to be one intent on healing perfection, when perfection stands tall and perfect, quite without need of healing, the instant we stop doing all of that, we awaken to a whole new world."

[Rich Note: A link to an expanded audio version of this Bill's transcript: ]

(2) Bible-Wise:

A. "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." (Genesis 2:7) 

B. "...For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. …" (1 Corinthians 13:9-13 KJV)

C. "… And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. …" (Revelation 21:1-7 KJV)

(3) Non-Dual/Advaita -Wise:

A. "Consciousness (Awareness of Being) plays a multitude of roles...the janani is merely the seer of them. All your problems are body-mind problems. Even so, you cling to that body...that knowledge which knows change, must itself be changless, permanent..." (Sri Nisargadatta, "Consciousness and the Absolute," page 1)

B. "Nothing is wrong with you, but the ideas you have of yourself are altogether wrong.  It is not you who desires, fears and suffers, it is the person built on the foundation of your body by circumstances and influences.  You are not that person.  This must be clearly established in your mind and never lost sight of." (Sri Nisargadatta, "I AM THAT")

C. "By meditating, the knowledge "I Am" gradually settles down and merges withthe universal knowledge, and thereby becomes totally free, like the sky, or space." Sri-Nisargadatta, (Sri Nisargadatta, "Consciousness and the Absolute," page 16)

(4) Story-Wise:

“One day a six-year-old friend said to me, ‘Pretend you are surrounded by a thousand hungry tigers. What would you do?’ I visualized the situation as he had suggested and, coming up with no viable plan of action, said, ‘Wow, I don’t know. What would you do?’ And he replied, ‘I’d stop pretending.'”
~Catherine Ingram
[Rich Note : Since I was only pretending, I would pretend I was invisible.]

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Self-Bondage)

Part I:

I am in bondage
To mind because I believe
What I think is true.

You are in bondage
To form because You believe
What You think is true.

We are in bondage
To thought because We believe
What We think is true.

One is in bondage
To things because One believe
What One thinks is true.

Re: "In any moment, you are either observing effortlessly or you are believing your thoughts." -- Jac O'Keeffe

Part II:

"It is taking a 
Half-truth as Whole that plays the
Devil" in this world.

"It is taking a 
Half-truth as Whole that plays the
Devil" in "my mind."

Re: "There are no whole truths; all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that plays the devil. .... (from the) moment of birth we are immersed in action and can only fitfully guide it by taking thought." -- Alfred North Whitehead