Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Seeing as God Sees)

Seeing Into and
From the Nature of All Things
Is Divine Seeing.

Seeing Into and
From the Nature of All Things
Is Selfless Seeing.

Seeing Into and
From the Nature of All Things
Is Seeing as God.

Seeing Into and
From the Nature of All Things
Is Non-Reflective.

Seeing Into and
From the Nature of All Things
Is Non-Relative.

Seeing into and
From the Nature of All Things
Is Being Seeing.

Seeing into and
From the Nature of All Things
As Seeing Itself.

Inspired by:

"Seeing from the eternal absolute, I could see that reality in everything without the "I" stealing it.

Ego identification was seen as a distortion whereby consciousness compromises its formless identity to relate from mind form, but mind form is only memory.

Instead if perceiving things from a perceptual framework, I was seeing into the nature of all things from the nature of all things."
           ("Walk Awake" - Steve Ford).]

[Rich Note: What Steve writes feels like it's coming from my own Heart.]

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Space for God's Face)

"No Face" to "Face"
Is Non-Confrontational
And Self-Fulfilling.

This "No Self Nature"
I Am Confronts Nothing and
Allows Everything

Get Comfortable
With Being the Awake Space
Of Your Divine Face.

As Clear Awake Space
For the Face of God, I Am
One with the Father.

As "Space for God's Face"

Your "Original
Face" is this "No Self-Nature"
Full of Everything.

The "No Face Space" of
Pure Awareness I AM is

[Rich Note: In large part inspired (Re:  "...intrinsically, I am Nothing, aware of itself as Nothing...", of.7) by the "Face to No Face" title given to a a Douglas Harding workshop transcription Richard Lang turned into a book.  (Sub-Note: The"Nothing Being Everything" is Tony Parson's Non-Dual Pointer and Book Title).]

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Joke's On Me)

The Cosmic Joke is
I Am afraid to Let go
And Be What I Am.

The Cosmic Joke is
I fear Being what I Am
In Spirit and Truth.


The Cosmic Joke is
I fear Being" what I Am
As This Awareness.

The Cosmic Joke is
I Am afraid to Be the
The "NO ONE" I Am.


I fear losing that
Which can be lost when I as
I Am can't be lost.

Clinging to what I
Am not, I am afraid of
Being what I Am.


I fear to become
What I Never Not Am as
Divine Awareness.

Fear of Being NO
ONE and NOTHING blinds Me to
BEING Awareness.


Fearing to become
What I Never Not Am and
The Joke is on Me.

Fearing to Be What
I Always Already Am
And the Joke's on Me.

Hay-Ku of the Day (Top-Down Determinism)

All Potential must
Become Actual when given
Everlasting Time.

Every Potential
Must Become Actual given
Everlasting Time.


Of Absolute Potential
Is a "No-Brainer."

Of Absolute Potential
Already happened.


Of Divine Potential is
A "Fait Accompli."

Of Divine Potential is
An Accomplished Fact.


What I re-late to
In my mind has already
Taken place in God's.

What I relate to
Relatively in my mind
Already happened.


The Absolute has
To become Whatever it
Imagines Being.

If Dad can't Know
What "he'll" do until after
The Fact, how can I?


ONE really does have
To get used to the fact NO
ONE's driving the train.

With No Conflicting
Traffic this Divine Train
Need No Engineer.


Human Being is
A relative Process of
Becoming Itself.

Seen Relatively
Life's an endless process of

Hay-Ku of the Day (Dark Glass)

A Mental House of
Mirrors distorts the vision
Of God the Father.

The Divine Vision
Distorts when we look through a
Mental glass darkly.

Looking through a Glass
Darkly, instead of Face to
Face, fragments Vision.

RE: "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known..."  (1 Corinthians 613:12 KJV)

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Cosmic Autopilot)

"There is a Unique
Form of Existence, but No
One at the Controls."

Like an Airplane on
Autopilot, Life has No
One at the Controls.

Life is an Airplane
On Auto Pilot with No
One at the Controls.

NO ONE is at the
Controls of BEING -- LIFE is
On Auto-Pilot!

NO ONE is at the
Controls of LIFE -- BEING is
The Auto-Pilot!

Cosmic Auto-Pilot with
NO ONE in Control.

Human being is
Like flying a plane with the
Autopilot on.

[Rich Note: Seen from a "Top-Down, God's-Eye View or Single-Minded, Absolute/Non-Dual Perspective.]

[Rich Note: Hay-ku permutation inspired by,

"*Who* is Elena asking to look.  *Who* can observe this? Life = body plus mind plus events. There is a unique form of existence BUT NO Elizabeth AT THE CONTROLS." ("Gateless Gate Crashers," Kindle 49%)

Re: "Life = body plus mind plus events."

Combine "Light, Water
And an Observer" and a
Rainbow "just happens."]

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Haiku of the Day (Missing the Message)

It's hard to get the
Message when our attention's
On the messenger.

When we focus on
The messenger we tend to
Ignore the message.

The mind is prone to
Focus on the messenger
And miss the message.

Re: "So Richard, are you saying that you do not over-think, judge, analyze and apply labels to people, places and things?"

It would seem a higher context for what is being shared here is in order to "remove the messenger" (which is what actually happens in any Purely Creative Act) as an impediment to receipt of the actual Message:

In this spirit, should you (or others) be interested in pursuing 35 years worth of said context, here's a link to a 2006 book entitled: "Out of My Mind and Back to My, the Object of Life is to Find Out Who I Am Before Time Runs Out." It's a pure labor of love I am fond of calling "a 40 year State of the Head Message"; one that includes an extensive selection of the "flow of consciousness stuff" in varying format -- abstracts, poetry, metaphors, sayings, journal notes and hay-ku -- that is the true source of what's being shared here (and has been since a 1978 epiphany).



[Rich Note: If you do elect to read it, however, I would recommend first reading Appendix A and I, the Preface and Intro, in that order, as expanded background and context for the insights expressed both here and in the book. Neither would I read too much at any one time, as what is offered is more than a thousand different conceptual triangulation points (or direct portals), in multiple mediums, to "One Self-Same Truth at the Heart of All."]

Monday, July 14, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Pure Awareness)

Self-Witnessing as
The Energetic Presence
Of Pure Awareness.

One is Conscious as
The Self-Radiant Presence
Of Pure Awareness.

Consciousness is a
Dynamic Self-Expression
Of Pure Awareness.

[Rich Note: Inspired by the following selected extracts from an e-mailed Colin Drake essay entitled, "Non-Duality and Christianity":

"...Once the realization has taken place that the creation is an expression of Consciousness in motion, Cosmic Energy, as is everything in it (including all people) and that this arises in, abides in and subsides back into Pure awareness, Consciousness at rest, then all is seen to be of the same essence and is thus treated with reverence. This is especially true of ‘other people’ who are seen to be equally valuable instruments of Consciousness through which That can know and enjoy Itself in both modes when in motion, as the manifestation, and when at rest as Pure Awareness."

"...For once one is awake this seeing of all others as being of the same essence as oneself, leads to empathy and compassion..."

"...For all are equally valuable expressions and instruments of the same essence (Consciousness) and should be treated as such. Once awakening has taken place then this is seen to be the case and one will naturally work towards the well being of all and the planet. The best way to aid this process is to help others to awaken so that they will also seek the good of all..."

(A Link to Colin's Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.com/Colin-Drake/e/B00LL3S2B4/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1405346301&sr=1-2-ent ) ]

Friday, July 11, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Double-Vision)

"Seeing one thing as
Two" creates a relative
 Sense of Existence.

"Seeing one thing as
Two" results in a sense of

Seeing one thing as
Two" creates a partial sense
 Of Being Present.


Seeing things as if
They are two instead of one
Because I think so.

Seeing things as if
They're separate and apart
Causes suffering.

Seeing things as if
They are other than I Am
Is self-delusion.


A "knowledge of good
And evil" is seeing two
Where only One Is.

And a "knowledge of good and
Evil" are the same.

And a "knowledge of good and
Evil" are the same.

[Rich Note: This thematic cross-triangulation was inspired by the following selection of quotes from "The Essence of Zen, The Teachings of Sekkei Harada":

"The mind is lost in confusion... means to see one thing as two."

"This happens because we haven't clarified the nature of our real mind, of our true Self, or of the Truth.

"As I often say, delusion is seeing one thing as two. It is the suffering of dividing and comparing.***

"Enlightenment means to realize while things are separate, essentially all is one."

***Biblically speaking the "fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, double-mindedness, carnal mind or seeing through a glass darkly."]

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Beyond the Label)

"I" as a label
Points to the "Aware Presence
Of Being I Am."


"I" is a mental
Self-referencing label most
Identify with.

Re: "Renunciation is the acceptance of all existence as sacred..."  ~Pandit Vamadeva Shastriji

"If one really sees that "I" is a label for the experience, any experience is worthy of appreciation. Appreciation is bliss. And conditioning will fall away because there is no glue -- no "I" to protect." (Gateless Gate Crashers" 103)

[Rich Note: This piece seems to offer a good conceptual triangulation of what renunciation (not of the world, but of oneself as a presumed separate "I, self, entity or self-existent being"), as seeing the "sacredness of all existence," necessarily implies -- Conscious Union of Subject and Object into the Original Sacred Oneness of Absolute Goodness and Love, as Pure Awareness of Being Itself.]

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Salvation)

Salvation is from
A relative state of mind
I think that I am.

Salvation is from
A reflective state of mind
Taken to Be Real.


Salvation is from
Habitual attachment
To separative thought.

Salvation is from
Mental attachment to self-
Referential thought.

Salvation is from
Personal attachment to


Knowing I Am Not
The self-reference I think
Offers Salvation.

Knowing I Am Not
What I imagine I am
Restores Paradise.


Thinking and Being
Saved are diametrically
Opposed conditions.

Thinking and Being
Saved are diametrically
Opposed states of mind.


I need to be saved
From belief in Being that's
Other than I Am.

I need to be saved
From from self-referenced thoughts
Vain imaginings.

[Rich Note: Inspired by previous stream and blog related to "Real Salvation": http://rfhay333.blogspot.com/2014/07/twitter-blog-and-facebook-archive-6.html?m=1 ]

Twitter, Blog and Facebook Archive 6

[Rich Note: response to the following Facebook question on "salvation."]

Re: When it comes to salvation, genuine salvation, how can there be differences?

Guess "any difference" would have to be in how one sees and so defines "Salvation," Warren. Seen from here that would be summed up in the following hay-ku haiku (of course it would ;-):

Jesus died to save
Us All from our delusion
Of self-existence.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Haiku of Day (REALITY)

Go anywhere if THAT IS
What Never Changes?

Absolute Standards IS THAT
which Never Changes


"This Awareness" is
Relatively Absolute

"Knowledge I Am" is
Relatively Absolute


The "Only Ever-
Present Thing" is the Conscious
Aliveness I Am.

The "Only Thing" that
Is with "me" always is this
Awareness I Am.


Truth by Absolute
Standards is not subject to
Any Circumstance.

Truth by Absolute
Standards is not subject to
Relative matters.

[Rich Note: Inspired by the following impromptu edited text dialogue:

George: "Book by Jim Baggs...at the ocean city library titled "Farewell to Reality...How Modern Physics Has Betrayed Search for Scientific Truth"....This book (is) a little too deep for me....but thought you might enjoy on truth search.   Has six principles, one of which is reality is a metaphysical concept, and thus beyond reach of science which at best can generate knowledge of empirical reality, ie, things as they appear and can be measured.   Bottom line is (he) thinks much of modern physics is non-scientific fantasy that sells to popular audiences ans for government funding.

Rich: Mr. Baggs doesn't seem to realize that "things as they appear" (the measurable stuff science is supposed to stick to investigating) are themselves a "conceptually self-projected, energetic world of secondary causes and related effects" (Re: transitory images and mental self-reflections --individual, collective and universal).

George: I don't think he'd debate with you, and things you see as truth is a reality beyond science.  However, he is very good at communicating and defining his premises and terms with great precision.  No fuzziness and ambiguous terms, in fact he is trying very hard to communicate clearly and non/egoistically.   In fact, (he's) reacting a bit to a popular theoretical physicist on TV claiming to know more then scientifically proven, and this fellow (Baggs) is very precise on defining limits of knowledge from a scientific method point of view.   He classifies their claimed scientific knowledge as belonging to philosophical debate and science fiction and fantasy (more) then science; and thus confusing the mass media on what is science and what is not.  More out of Einstein's experimental school of science, (which is based) on what we know and don't know scientifically.  He...attempts (to use) principles as... premises in developing...arguments and conclusions.  

[See related e-mail response and Bill Samuel "2+2=Reality" (comped link: http://williamsamuel.com/TwoPlusTwoEnglish.pdf ) for a masterful effort in defining Reality in a way even pure logicians can agree with.]

Related E-Mail: I understand the argument that the scientific method can only deal with "measurables" and that, as such, "real scientists" (technocrats actually) should mind there own business with respect to subjective/metaphysical matters (even though the scientist himself is actually trying to transcend his own innately subjective nature, from the outside-in, instead of the inside-out).

I would disagree, however, that "Reality," in and of Itself is a metaphysical concept, when properly apprehended and defined -- pointed to (see 2+2=Reality link above) and known in the same direct way "I Know I Am"; and, as such, isn't going anywhere but Here and Now, where "It Always Is, Was and Ever Will Be" as "That which Never Changes."

Neither do I care for "Science as Religion and Savior," at least as portrayed by the media, belittling metaphysics, conceptual and otherwise, philosophy or religion (if seen from an "Inner Teaching" perspective), as inherently illogical and so the provence of weak minds and inferior intellects.

[Rich Note: Those "six principles" (whatever Thant may be) have to originate from One Source Principle that necessarily "includes, embraces and transcends" the six (or however many) sub-principles (Re: partial, relative perspectives)" espoused; or assume Absolute Relativity (Re: a non sequitor as their ultimate premise) in its stead.]

Rich: calling it "...science fiction and fantasy..." is pejorative, clearly indicative of "subjective bias" and reveals a likely atheistic premise in a thinly veiled disguise.

Again, it would appear to be "science presented as religion" that needs to be kept in a nice, neat, well-defined, well-ordered, sacred but closed and very dead box/coffin.

What ever happens to open-minded, intellectual honesty?

George: Read the book.....its physic folk defining their own field on what it is and isn't. Sorry I brought it up.   Never mind.   Don't want to debate....Just thought you might find interesting.  But never mind.

Rich: Re: "...Einstein experimental school of science..."

"My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality."  Einstein

Rich: Philosophically, I see any attempt to re-unite what our partial human frame of self-reference projects on an otherwise Seamless Reality as positive.

[Rich Note (Added): "A dual state of mind projects its relative limits in much the same way that looking through a pair of binoculars projects its circular limits." (From OOMM intro to Chpt. 7, "Purify Your Hearts Ye Double Minded")]

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Quantum Self-Reference)

A Quantum State of
Self-reference embraces
All Particle States.

Christ is a Frame of
Reference that includes and
Transcends all others.

Christ is a Frame of
Self-reference that includes
Absolute Oneness.

An Oceanic
Frame of self-reference serves
To re-unite Waves.

Re: "And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me." (John 17:21-23 KJV)

Hay-Ku of the Day (Dying to Oneself)

I have to die to
One frame of self-reference
To have another.

Adopting a new
Frame of self-reference is the
Death of another.

A new frame of self-
Reference implies dying
To an older one.


Letting go of one
Frame of self-reference is
Dying to one self.

A Wave has to die
To Itself to discover
It is the Ocean.

A Wave state of mind
Has to die to know itself
As the Whole Ocean.


I Am not the one
Particular frame of self
Reference I think.

"Dying to myself
As I think" lets me "Know
Myself as I Am."

Reborn to "Myself
As I Am" when I die to
"Myself as I think."


Christ is a Frame of
Self-reference that includes
An Absolute One.

"...I die daily." (1 Corinthians 15:30-31 KJV)

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me..." (Galatians 2:20-21 KJV)

"…thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me." (Mark 10:21-22 KJV)