[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com]
(God the Father Photograph)
God the Father (2010, Wikimedia Commons, Photography by Mathew Bisanz); Pine relief painted white, follower of Ignaz Gunther in South Germany from 1770-80, at the w: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
The Awareness You
Are is the Self-Witnessing
Of the Absolute.
The Awareness You
Are is the Self-Witnessing
Presence of Daddy.
The Awareness You
Are is the Divine Vision
Of God the Father.
This “Hay-Ku of the Day” (HOTD) Blog is dedicated to the dissemination of a daily Hay-Ku (non-traditional metaphysical, philosophical and/or theological haiku-like, wisdom saying or aphorism) that reflects an insight related to a 40 year search for Truth as the Common Thread in enduring world philosophies, theologies and metaphysical systems. “Smart bombs targeting deeply embedded patterns of self-centered thought” (itself a hay-ku) serves as a good summation of what a hay-ku actually is.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Composite 12-15-10 to 3-22-11
Hay-Ku of the Day (Mental Self-Control)
March 22, 2011
Mind Artistic Spiral (Reprise -Wikipedia Commons, 2006, by Harun Yahya); An artistic rendering that reverses the commonly held view (the one that is apparent from a centrally, self-referenced perspective) that the mind in here is in a world out there.
The only way to
Conquer the mind is to stop
Being the thinker.
Stop thinking you are
The thinker and you will not
Be subject
"A Letter About Identity" by William Samuel
March 13, 2011
[Rich Note: This is the second of two "seminal pieces" by Bill Samuel that I wanted to share. Please see the note used as a preface for the other piece, "A Restatement," for background and context.]
from "The Guide to Awareness and Tranquility"
by Bill Samuel
"Dear Anne,
This instant you are Awareness itself. This second you can stop trying to be the impostor. This moment you can let go the liar, the father of lies, the old man, and the veil will be rent from top to bottom; the mist that covers the entire face of the land will be gone! There will be no more scales on your eyes; there will be no more tears. You will see as you are seen, because Seer, seeing the seen (scene), is all there is to you!
This second you may stop identifying yourself as the one who possesses your very Being. This second you can stop making demands of yourself. This instant you can stop attempting to enslave God, to make a servant of God, to have God show you this "good" thing or eliminate that "bad" thing. Consciousness is who you are, not a personal possession.
Awareness is simply and effortlessly aware. It does not judge. It does not desire to see what it wants to see. It does not attempt to change the world. It does not dominate, criticize, cajole or demand. It does not want at all. It is simply beholding and being.
Anne, you are Seeing itself, constantly about the Seer's business. You are not the one who thinks she has a lease on seeing for a few years, during which time she wants it to show her that she possesses health, wealth and fame. You are Awareness ITSELF and ONLY. This is the most infinite "only" you can imagine, because it includes the infinity of Reality, the infinity of Love, and the infinity of Health and Wealth—not a mere part of it, but all of it! Why? Because Awareness is God's consciousness of Himself! It is our good pleasure to be the witness of all God is! It is our good pleasure to be what God is being! It is our good fortune to be Infinity itself, and consciously so. When? As quickly as the liar is loosed and let go! Who is the liar? The personal ego who says Conscious Awareness belongs to me!"
Sincerely, Bill Samuel
"The liar's elimination comes with the realization of his nothingness. His vacuous nothingness is declared to the pure in heart, to those who love God, to those willing to let God be all, to those willing to give up their egotistical, personal sense of self, to those willing to behold without judgment."
[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Clock's Ticking (2011); "The final discipline involves the correct apprehension of IDENTITY and passing that clear perception along to our world as quickly as we can." (Bill Samuel).]
Haiku of the Day (Seeing Itself)
March 10, 2011
Primal Element (2011); A recent photo in which the material images are “Seen” and You, as the Actuality of Awareness, are Being the Seeing of the Absolute Seer observing the Images.
Daddy Is “Seer,”
Mommy is “Seen” and Baby
Is “Seeing” Itself.
Father Is “Seer,”
Mother is “Seen” and their Child
Is “Seeing” Itself.
The Father “Sees,” the
Mother is “Seen” and I Am
“Being the Seeing.”
[Rich Note: You can’t experience “thought, sense feeling, word or action,” as particular states of Awareness (or Consciousness, if you prefer), without the mutual arising of “Seer, Seeing and Seen” as “Tri-Fold, Primal Elements of Being.”]
"A Restatement of Cosmology" by William Samuel
March 5, 2011
Lollygog (2011 Reprint); "The final discipline involves the correct apprehension of IDENTITY and passing that clear perception along to our world as quickly as we can." Bill Samuel.
[Rich Note: This is the first of two "seminal pieces" (with subsequent comments by "yours truly" from streams on another venue) by William Samuel I wanted to share. As I may have said, with a fair degree of seriousness, I've been called to play "John to Bill's Jesus," with respect to "championing/co-piloting" Bill's Cause (which was the same as Jesus" - "to bear witness to the Truth"); and have been given Sandy Jone's (Bill literary executor) blessing to do so. In the furtherance of said "Cause," I suggest that anyone who might be inspired to do so "check out" the Bill Samuel YouTubes published in the last week or so by putting "rfhay333" in the YouTube search engine or going the the following view link .]
From “The Child Within Us Lives, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"
by William Samuel
"The cosmic clock has clicked on and Everyman has begun to stir. The syntheses is coming. A grand global harmony is just around the corner—the one the prophets spoke of wherein there is no more sighing, no more tears, no more fear nor need of temples and teachers."
[Rich Note: Although the above passage appears at the end this piece, as a kind of epilogue, it felt most appropriate to use it as a prologue, as well.]
"Though they likely don't know it, the scientists who are examining ordinary light and its uses have created a cosmology remarkably like the one we find in the Bible. Moses speaks primarily to Adam's disobedience. Other prophets speak of Satan's fall from his high place and of the intellectual nature's intense desire to be gratified, knowing all that God knows. In any event, the Bible hints of an argument in heaven, a battle royal and the expulsion of Satan and his angels who are banished to dusty earth where they, in competition with God, create a world of their own and strive to win the souls of mortals, using every trickery and deceit. According to this view, this is Satan's world and he is up to no good. Essentially, the world is an evil place, under the dominion of the seven deadlies.
Another cosmology has been shown to me. It doesn't have a competition between good and evil, but a temporary competition between wisdom and ignorance wherein wisdom eventually wins and the ignorance was never real—but necessary for a time for Wisdom to come to the know beyond the limits of intellectualism.
In this cosmology. Overmind (Godhead)** declares “I am” and with that declaration “matter” is exploded into the state of chaos, undifferentiated energy. Then, Godhead declares, “I know” and perfect forms begin to emerge from chaos. Godhead declares, “I know what I am” and the perfect heaven and earth are created. Godhead declares, “I know what knowing is” and the perfect Image of knowing (the Son) is created, male and female and all of this is, as the Bible states, “very good.”
Then, as Godhead declares, “Knowing what I am, I also know what I am not and could never be,” the dusty nether world of satanic illusion-in-time is born. Here is the phantasmagoria of idealistic impossibilities over which there is no real ruler and in which there is no real power, authority or substance. Godhead declares, “Knowing who I am, I also know what knowing is not and could never be,” from out of which the dust-man is born who, in that arena of time, climbs the mountain of knowledge to rediscover his original Selfhood that precedes time.
“The world” of time and space lies this side of the REAL Heaven, and within it as well. How can it do both? Imagine a diagram of the sphere, with tangibility the downward and inward spiral to matter, mass, darkness, dead-end.
The tangible world is a composite of Wisdom's Self-knowledge and Self-knowing, both what Wisdom knows Wisdom is and is not, and what Wisdom knows KNOWING is, and is not. The limited world of “matter” is diametrically opposite the “real” heaven and earth, even while including the real within it, unseen (or barely seen) and unnoticed by dual knowing.
God's knowledge of what God (Wisdom) IS, is Unmoving Light. Satan's knowledge of what God is, is limited light, the image of Light. Satan's duplication of the true heaven and earth is made of limited light, a consistent copy of the Real. This is what science has discovered, essentially, in its recognition that tangibility is holographic.
The Perfect Image is the Original Child and it is beyond mere gender. The Luciferian reversal of The Indivisible One (Godhead) must necessarily appear dimensionally divided and many. The Original Child exists within each of the divided many—and is called the soul. The soul is the Original Image, the Child within. The physical body is an image of that image. And behind every body is the Original Child awaiting the rediscovery of Itself within.
And why such a Plan in the first place? How else would the Child KNOW—and know it knows—its dominion?
I doubt if this is written precisely enough for the intellect, but it is seen and known rightly even while I struggle to find amenable words which will be (and must stand to be) examined under the critical microscope of intellectualism's theology. The crusty shell of the old order will defend itself. Why? The dual nature of time-man and his institutions does not want to be exposed—as if putting down an icon actually mattered! The icon is cast aside at death. All icons will be put aside as the world of time is understood, rolled up like a scroll and turned off like a hologram disappearing when the machine's power is cut off.
The phantasmagoria, the holographic material world, is certain to be rolled up and turned off. The ephemeral nature of tangibility has been proven over and over for me and many others who have chosen to understand the nature of Reality. “Subjective metaphysics” has been proving the insubstantial nature of physical stuff for generations.
It is moot whether dogmatic churchdom or the stalled subjective studies are the greatest deterrent to the perception of Godhead and Its dominion. Does it make a difference? Perhaps. Whom will we tell of the unifying and harmonizing synthesis of science, religion and metaphysics? Who will most likely listen? If I knew where to direct the Light I have seen, I'd aim it at the segment of society that is least deceiving everyone. Clearly churchdom is an anchor dragging, not sanctioning a search beyond its interpretation of the Bible or other holy books. Clearly subjectivism knows nothing of the Child, the soul, little of human love and nearly nothing of the Equation. Fewer subjectivists can understand what is spoken of here than religionists—but churchmen seem to understand nothing whatever of subjectivism—unless they have taken time away from their binding organizational restraints to learn of it. Both churchman and metaphysician (religious or otherwise) can understand the subjective truth if they want to. Isn't this a hint that we are to direct this simple restatement to the entire scene of things, physicist, theologian, metaphysician alike? Ah so. Who can do that? Only God. God is doing it. The cosmic clock has clicked on and Everyman has begun to stir. The syntheses is coming. A grand global harmony is just around the corner—the one the prophets spoke of wherein there is no more sighing, no more tears, no more fear nor need of temples and teachers."
[Rich Note: Here is Bill's counsel with regard to "Everyone's Higher Calling" in the face of the "kinder, gentler version" of the "End Times" (re: "the end of time" or the world as "we know it") Bill suggests is just about upon us: "The final discipline involves the correct apprehension of IDENTITY and passing that clear perception along to our world as quickly as we can."]
[Rich Note**: Bill variously uses “Overmind, Mind, Isness, Being, Godhead or the Ineffable” when referencing the One Absolute State, the Non-Dual or Stateless State for Advaitists, Nirguna Brahman for Hindus, YHVH or Hashem for the Jewish, the Father for Christians, Allah for Muslims, No Mind or Buddha Nature for Buddhists, the Tao for Taoists or the “Absolute, Infinite Potential to Be Any and All Things, in All Time and All Space, in All Possible Dimensions Thereof, as the Logically Necessary Ground of Any and All Existence or Being” that even “hard-core, “dyed in the wool” atheists and/or agnostics have to concede (How so? Rather simply, because “you can’t have a Relative State of Awareness or Consciousness without an Absolute One from which to “relate to it” as Being and experience It as Such).]
Hay-Ku of the Day (Actualization)
March 2, 2011
"Positively 4th Street (2011, oceancity.patch.com photograph); Hanging out with my buddy Teddy (Terje Thogersen) at the Thursday morning “satang, existentialist gab-fest and/or bull-session"-- all accurate descriptions, in any given moment of time.
If I do not act
On my Understanding it’s
Of little matter.
If I don’t act on
What I Know to Be True it’s
Effectively false.
If I don’t act on
What I know of the Truth than
What does it matter?
[Rich Note: Although discussed to some extend previously, the following two slightly edited responses to friend’s commenting on the Bill Samuel “Judge Not” video this morning answered an old friend’s recent question as to the “whys and wherefores” of the “apparent break-though” Bill Samuel’s counsel has wroth with “yours truly” and, as such, deserve “space on the front page”(so to speak):
(1) Thanks, Shira. Forty years on the Path and, at least in my experience, Bill Samuel is unique in his capacity to both express and make "non-dual, self-realization" accessible to anyone “off the street” (re: to those still seeking permanent happiness in ever-changing world).
Neither do I have any doubt that Bill can help anyone who is "sick and tired of being sick and tired" (or otherwise ready to “stop, look and listen” to what Bill has to say with their Heart) make the Quantum Leap required between "Knowing the Truth" (reflectively, in one's head) and "Being That" (directly, in one's heart).
(2) Wonderful to see you, Rene -- It's been way too long!
Haven't talked to you since I ran into Bill Samuel and he, as a kind of "switch-like actuator," completed a long-missing (un-recognized is truer) circuit between the "Direct Light of the Heart" and the "Self-Same Reflected Light of the Head/Intellect” – where the latter is “reading the menu” and the former is acting on the information the menu presents and “actually eating the food.”
And that through a rather simple EQUATION that only involves acting on one's Heartfelt Understanding (on Faith, with Signs and Wonders/Outer Confirmation following). Or, as Jesus put it, "rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's"; and, in the process, playing one’s rightful role as a “Divine Conduit, Vessel or Holy Grail,” intended to transfer energy between Heaven (the Spirit, Intangible or Potential) and Earth (the Flesh, Tangible or Actual).”
Still an "apparent work in progress," Rene, but what reason and logic would call Miraculous (some would call it "Grace or Unmerited Favor, pressed down and running over") is starting to show-up "out there" on an inordinately, regular basis. Of course, actually expecting and looking for said Grace and Perfection, (based on the Top-Down Thinking Bill Samuel also suggests) is a likely "contributory factor" in the process.]
Hay-Ku of the Day (Single-Eyed Seeing)
Feb 23, 2011
Single Eye (2009): The “Great Seal” on a $1 bill is reminiscent of the equilateral triangle metaphor in which the “All Seeing Eye” (Eye of God) at the apex sees from Alpha to Omega on the Base (as a representation of All Time) all at “One Time."
A Selfless Point of
View enables One to See
With a Single-Eye.
A Dimensionless
Viewpoint allows One to See
With a Single-Eye.
Hay-Ku of the Day (On the Wings of Love)
Feb 15, 2011
Da Shan (2003); Mount Fuji standing in for "Da Shan, the Mythical Mountain of Seeking and Finding,” whose slopes we in the world climb, seek to reach its peak, find our Timeless, Original Home and realize Awareness as our True and Ultimate Identity.
The Only Way to
Become What I Am is stop
Thinking otherwise.
There is No Way to
Become What I Am, other
Than just Being That.
Rich Note: Two conceptual twists on the King’s “THERE IS NO WAY THERE BUT TO BE THERE” response to the Woodcutter in the following excerpt from Bill Samuel’s “The Melody of the Woodcutter and the King”:
"My son," I answered the woodman, "to climb o'er the ground from plateau to plateau, is not the way to go. There is no path on the mountain that leads all the way to the top; nor a single place where a woodman may let go his axe; there is no plateau on any slope where one may stop contending with opposites. For to climb o'er the ground from goal to goal, creates the original two-ness - a climber and a goal."
"Then how, councilor?" the woodsman asked, "how can I climb the mountain, how may I reach the throne?"
"Listen softly," I said to the woodman, "listen gently with the Heart. THERE IS NO WAY THERE BUT TO BE THERE! This way soars above the ground, above the landmarks, above the plateaus. Swiftly, silently, immediately on wings of Love, this is how I shall take you there beloved, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, on the wings of the morning. Indeed the way there is to be there!]
Feb 12, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Melody)
Woodcutters Children (Wikimeida Commons, William Stewart MacGeorge, 2009 photograph of a painting done prior to 1921); The woodcutter is clearly a metaphor for “mankind fallen into a knowledge of good and evil" (re: a relative state of consciousness); Companion haiku: The “Woodcutter” is One self-identified with egocentric thought.].
The Saga of the
“Woodcutter and the King” is
The Story of Man.
The Saga of the
“Woodcutter and the King” is
Everyone’s Story.
“The Melody of
The Woodcutter and the King “
Is “Your Own Story.”
[Rich Note: A paraphrased offering based on a suggestion made by Bill Samuel during an audio preface to “The Melody of the Woodcutter and the King” -- a simple, unpretentious, yet utterly profound, alliterative, Spiritual Masterpiece that might well be psychologically titled, "The Story of Man, The Whys and Wherefores of the Human Dilemma.”]
Feb 12, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Immortality)
"Death Swallowed Up in Victory" (Phillip Medhurst, 1796, photo by Harry Kossuth); A "field-day" (re: winged heart, halo of 12 stars, dead snake/dragon, skull, blooming flowers, grass, earth, trees, bushes, sun, light, ....) for a symbologist; Companion haiku: "This Awareness Right Here, Right Now," is What One Is and Alway will Be.].
“This Awareness Right
Here, Right Now,” is Timeless and
Not subject to death.
“This Awareness Right
Here, Right Now," is Changeless and
Never comes or goes.
“This Awareness Right
Here, Right Now,” is What One Is
Prior to Life and Death.
[Rich Note: (Biblically Speaking) “So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory 1 Cor. 15:54-55 (KJV).]
[Rich Note: As there are now nearly 400 variations of this “This Awareness Right Here, Right Now, “direct pointer to what can't be said” (a verbal finger akin to the physical one used to point to the moon) to the Single-Selfhood and/or Identity of the One Life of All, we’ll start spreading them out a bit after this one.]
Feb 12, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Last Walk/On Eagle's Wings)
Last Walk Home [Sir Colonel Higgins (Higgie) Hay (1-21-96 to 1-24-11)]; Last morning and walk photograph that called to mind "Out of the Shadows and Into the Light" as a eupheminsm for death and related haiku; Companion Haiku: "Out of the Shadows and into Light” the "Puppy" rose “on Eagle’s Wings."
Born to Fly on “Wings
As Eagles” -- “Out of the Shadows
And into the Light.”
"Out of the Shadows
And Into Light” the “Pup” rose
Upon "Morning’s Wings.”
[Rich Note: I’m going to interrupt “This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now” theme that has going on for the last several posts (a series that will definitely continue, as there are probably over 300 variants on the theme in the hay-ku archives by now) to honor the passing of long time friend and “buddy,” Higgins,” an almost 15 year old Yellow Lab, as he passed “Out of the Shadows into the Light” – a lovely euphemism for death, quite literally inspired (although an internet search reveal variants in advertisements and book title and expressions, I don’t remember hearing it before here and doubt its is being used as a specific euphemism for death – but who knows?) by our “last walk together” at the vets yesterday.
Doing so will also afford a wonderful opportunity to share a beautiful piece by Bill Samuel, entitled the “Contradistinction Called Death” -- a peace that was read yesterday morning prior to that “last walk with Higgins” that brought “healing on its wings” and literal “Peace to both Mind and Heart .”]
Jan 21, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Hiding in Plain Sight)
Tao Fish (2000); “2+2=Reality”: The Little Red Book with the “Big, In No Uncertain Terms, Utterly Simple and, yet, Perfectly Profound Answers” to the “Is There a God and Who Am I?” Questions; cover art by Alexandra Bliss Jones; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
“This Awareness, Right
Here, Right Now”, is the Father’s
Knowledge of Being.
“This Awareness, Right
Here, Right Now”, is the Divine
Self-Knowledge of God.
“This Awareness, Right
Here, Right Now” is the Divine
Consciousness You Are.
[Rich Note: This offering involves a marriage of the following three non-sequential quotes from Bill Samuel’s “2+2=Reality”: “Awareness itself is what you are. It is all you are”; “God is all that is here. God is this very Awareness I am”; “This Awareness of existence, that is right here, right now, is divine! It is God's Awareness, not 'mine'.” (Side note: Although I make a distinction between Awareness and Consciousness for conceptual computation”, Bill uses them synonymously.) ]
[Rich Note: As a note of clarification (although its involves), there is a “Quantum Existential Leap” between the following two fundamental premises: first, “believing (based on the partial report of relative thought, sense and feeling) that “I have Awareness” (when, in fact, It actually belongs to “Being, Reality, Principle or God” – you pick the Name) and, in so doing, placing a finite limit on the ultimate degree of Life, Light and Love said Divine Awareness can ultimately express; and (2) second, the “Knowing I Am that Self-Same Awareness" and, thus, fully able to Manifest the Absolute Potential to Be that Infinite (Non-Relative or Non-Dual) Awareness of Being necessarily implies.]
Jan 15, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Pearl of Great Worth)
Kicking Pearls (2009 Wikamedia Commons; by AdelaMae, retouched by Patafisik); Couldn’t resist this extremely pregnant, companion image, as it combines (unintentionally, I’m sure) two classic and one rather obscure “esoteric (inner teaching) symbols; Companion haiku: "This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now," is the "Pearl of Great Worth" that One Is.
“This Awareness, Right
Here, Right Now” is the “Pearl of
Great Worth” in Your Heart.
[Rich Note: (Biblically Speaking) – “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: [46] Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. [Matthew 13:45-46 (KJV)).].
[Rich Note: “This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now” is a recurring declaration in Bill Samuel’s works ( view link ), and one that is rendered in an extremely powerful and moving way (as it relates to the Woodcutter”s Ultimate Identity as Once and Future King) in Bill's "heartfelt reading" of the “Melody of the Woodcutter and the King”.]
Jan 10, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Name Game)
This Is Not a Computer (2011): What you see here is not a computer, neither is Wikapedia's definition of God, God -- for, as the general-semantics folks like to sing, "Oh, the word is not the thing, the word is not the thing...Hi Ho the Dairy O..."; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
If "God" is renamed
"Reality," God as That,
Cannot be denied.
"God" defined as the
“Ultimate Reality”
Cannot be denied.
"God" defined as the
"Isness of Being" is not
Subject to question.
[Rich Note: I can’t deny the fact of my own Reality, my own Existence, my own Isness or Beingness, my own Sense and Knowledge of Being Present and Aware as I Am; or, even more simply, Primal Awareness of Being; and that because I have to be Present and Aware as I Am (and so Exist as That Reality and/or most Basic Common Denominator) in order to "either affirm or deny" that Existence or that Primal Awareness of Being I Ultimaely Am. For that is a close as One self-identified with "relative thought' sense and feeling" can come to a having a direct relationship with the Absolute Ground of All Being and, Ultimately, Itself.]
[Rich Note: Offering inspired by an audio reading of Bill Samuel’s 2 + 2 = Reality, in which Bill declared “This book might have been better titled, “The Importance of Defining Terms.”]
Jan 6, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (The Warrior-Poet Yields)
Shadow Box (2011) “Shadow Box” has particular meaning in the context of the one who went to war 40 years ago and returned as a well decorated young Aircraft Commander in AC-119K Gunships; Companion haiku: The Warrior-Poet Yields His Sword to the Child-Heart of the Holy One.
The Warrior-Poet
Yields his Sword to the Child-Heart
Of God Within All.
Dec 31, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (A Prayer for Peace)
Sandy and Bill (1992); A sweet picture of Bill with Sandy Jones, who subsequently became his Literary Executor and, one might say, “Keeper of the Flame"; Companion hiaku: Accompanying.
Father, May I Know
Thy Peace, See Thy Perfection
And Be as Thou Art.
[Rich Note: An extrapolated version of a Prayer made from a “perspective of personal helplessness,” (re: “rock bottom in the pit of despair”) that resulted in a “Break-Though” (as Meister Eckhart characterized such epiphanies), shared by Bill Samuel during a seminar once given in Los Angeles.]
Dec 27, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Self-Knowledge)
William Samuel (1924-1996): "Bill has found a way to communicate so that as many that are willing will discover, uncover, and be the Tranquility untouched by turmoil....a tranquility as effortlessly available as our own Identity"; Companion haiku: William Samuel can Deliever the Christ Child Living in Your Heart.
Your Awareness of
Being is the Self-Knowledge
Of God Manifest.
The Awareness You
Are is the Self-Knowledge of
God Manifesting.
[Rich Note: This is another offering directly inspired by Bill Samuel ( view link ) whose written and oral teachings I find to be a Treasure or, better yet, a "Divine Easter Egg" that has been “hidden in plain sight” for 30 years, awaiting world-wide discover "for such a time as this.”]
Bill Samuel Provides
A Priceless Chance to Live
As the Truth You Are.
Bill Samuel offers
The "Greatest Gift of All": The
Child of God You Are.
[Rich Note: For one (re: athiest, agnostic or bruised by church) who might have trouble (or has friends who have trouble) calling the Ultimate Reality or Nature of Existence "God," I suggest you do yourself a Real Favor and download Bill's complementary "Two plus Two = Reality" PDF from the aforementioned web-site.]
Dec 24, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (A Joyous Christmas to All)
Love, Joy and Life (1982); A long-a-go Christmas Poem turned into a beautiful Christmas card by long-time friend, Barbara Wright; Companion haiku: Christmas bespeaks an annual reminder of Our Divine Potential.
Short Form:
Christmas-time is a
Holy Reminder that We
Are One in Spirit.
Long Form:
With Christmas so near,
It’s that Time of Year;
God’s Spirit made Real.
God’s Love that We feel.
Again Born in Mind,
God’s Image Divine;
The Joy of His Sharing,
His Wondrous Caring.
The Birth of a Son
In Whom We Are One;
God’s Gift from Above,
His Life and His Love.
Rich Hay
[Rich Note: Biblically speaking, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the Government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6 (KJV).]
Hay-Ku of the Day (Enlightenment Is)
December 19, 2010
"Weightless Surveillance
Of the Scene" is what One Is
With "Enlightenment."
[Rich Note: "Weightless Surveillance of the Scene," as a Perfect Descriptor of "Pure Awareness, Enlightenment, That which Knows I Am/You Are/One Is or What We All Ultimately Are (in Essence, Spirit and Truth) comes from New Friend Bill Samuel's (http://williamsamuel.com) sweet audio message to Friends, Kathy and John, entitled: "This Is It"!]
[Rich Note: Bill’s “Weightless Surveillance of the Scene” is a perfect "visceral word picture” of Suzuki’s declaration that "Enlightenment is just like everyday life, only six-inches off the ground"; or the one I never achieved in my drinking days (only with me it was a case of beer), "Enlightenment is like drinking a bottle of vodka (might have be sake) without the hangover."]
[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Bodhisattva (2010); The Sanskrit meaning of Bodhisattva is “Awakened Truth” or "Enlightenment Being"; Companion haiku: Enlightened of the "idea that I am" now a separate person.]
Hay-Ku of the Day (Consciousness Is)
December 15, 2010
You are the Space-Like
Aware Sensory Presence
That Consciousness Is.
You are the Space-Like
Aware Presence of Being
That Consciousness Is.
[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Atom (Wikimedia, 2010 Marek M): As the basic building block of matter, the atom is more than 99 space and, as such, no matter how you might choose to define yourself – as a body, mind, soul or spirit, you are more truly space the form; Companion haiku: Accompanying.]
March 22, 2011
Mind Artistic Spiral (Reprise -Wikipedia Commons, 2006, by Harun Yahya); An artistic rendering that reverses the commonly held view (the one that is apparent from a centrally, self-referenced perspective) that the mind in here is in a world out there.
The only way to
Conquer the mind is to stop
Being the thinker.
Stop thinking you are
The thinker and you will not
Be subject
"A Letter About Identity" by William Samuel
March 13, 2011
[Rich Note: This is the second of two "seminal pieces" by Bill Samuel that I wanted to share. Please see the note used as a preface for the other piece, "A Restatement," for background and context.]
from "The Guide to Awareness and Tranquility"
by Bill Samuel
"Dear Anne,
This instant you are Awareness itself. This second you can stop trying to be the impostor. This moment you can let go the liar, the father of lies, the old man, and the veil will be rent from top to bottom; the mist that covers the entire face of the land will be gone! There will be no more scales on your eyes; there will be no more tears. You will see as you are seen, because Seer, seeing the seen (scene), is all there is to you!
This second you may stop identifying yourself as the one who possesses your very Being. This second you can stop making demands of yourself. This instant you can stop attempting to enslave God, to make a servant of God, to have God show you this "good" thing or eliminate that "bad" thing. Consciousness is who you are, not a personal possession.
Awareness is simply and effortlessly aware. It does not judge. It does not desire to see what it wants to see. It does not attempt to change the world. It does not dominate, criticize, cajole or demand. It does not want at all. It is simply beholding and being.
Anne, you are Seeing itself, constantly about the Seer's business. You are not the one who thinks she has a lease on seeing for a few years, during which time she wants it to show her that she possesses health, wealth and fame. You are Awareness ITSELF and ONLY. This is the most infinite "only" you can imagine, because it includes the infinity of Reality, the infinity of Love, and the infinity of Health and Wealth—not a mere part of it, but all of it! Why? Because Awareness is God's consciousness of Himself! It is our good pleasure to be the witness of all God is! It is our good pleasure to be what God is being! It is our good fortune to be Infinity itself, and consciously so. When? As quickly as the liar is loosed and let go! Who is the liar? The personal ego who says Conscious Awareness belongs to me!"
Sincerely, Bill Samuel
"The liar's elimination comes with the realization of his nothingness. His vacuous nothingness is declared to the pure in heart, to those who love God, to those willing to let God be all, to those willing to give up their egotistical, personal sense of self, to those willing to behold without judgment."
[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Clock's Ticking (2011); "The final discipline involves the correct apprehension of IDENTITY and passing that clear perception along to our world as quickly as we can." (Bill Samuel).]
Haiku of the Day (Seeing Itself)
March 10, 2011
Primal Element (2011); A recent photo in which the material images are “Seen” and You, as the Actuality of Awareness, are Being the Seeing of the Absolute Seer observing the Images.
Daddy Is “Seer,”
Mommy is “Seen” and Baby
Is “Seeing” Itself.
Father Is “Seer,”
Mother is “Seen” and their Child
Is “Seeing” Itself.
The Father “Sees,” the
Mother is “Seen” and I Am
“Being the Seeing.”
[Rich Note: You can’t experience “thought, sense feeling, word or action,” as particular states of Awareness (or Consciousness, if you prefer), without the mutual arising of “Seer, Seeing and Seen” as “Tri-Fold, Primal Elements of Being.”]
"A Restatement of Cosmology" by William Samuel
March 5, 2011
Lollygog (2011 Reprint); "The final discipline involves the correct apprehension of IDENTITY and passing that clear perception along to our world as quickly as we can." Bill Samuel.
[Rich Note: This is the first of two "seminal pieces" (with subsequent comments by "yours truly" from streams on another venue) by William Samuel I wanted to share. As I may have said, with a fair degree of seriousness, I've been called to play "John to Bill's Jesus," with respect to "championing/co-piloting" Bill's Cause (which was the same as Jesus" - "to bear witness to the Truth"); and have been given Sandy Jone's (Bill literary executor) blessing to do so. In the furtherance of said "Cause," I suggest that anyone who might be inspired to do so "check out" the Bill Samuel YouTubes published in the last week or so by putting "rfhay333" in the YouTube search engine or going the the following view link .]
From “The Child Within Us Lives, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"
by William Samuel
"The cosmic clock has clicked on and Everyman has begun to stir. The syntheses is coming. A grand global harmony is just around the corner—the one the prophets spoke of wherein there is no more sighing, no more tears, no more fear nor need of temples and teachers."
[Rich Note: Although the above passage appears at the end this piece, as a kind of epilogue, it felt most appropriate to use it as a prologue, as well.]
"Though they likely don't know it, the scientists who are examining ordinary light and its uses have created a cosmology remarkably like the one we find in the Bible. Moses speaks primarily to Adam's disobedience. Other prophets speak of Satan's fall from his high place and of the intellectual nature's intense desire to be gratified, knowing all that God knows. In any event, the Bible hints of an argument in heaven, a battle royal and the expulsion of Satan and his angels who are banished to dusty earth where they, in competition with God, create a world of their own and strive to win the souls of mortals, using every trickery and deceit. According to this view, this is Satan's world and he is up to no good. Essentially, the world is an evil place, under the dominion of the seven deadlies.
Another cosmology has been shown to me. It doesn't have a competition between good and evil, but a temporary competition between wisdom and ignorance wherein wisdom eventually wins and the ignorance was never real—but necessary for a time for Wisdom to come to the know beyond the limits of intellectualism.
In this cosmology. Overmind (Godhead)** declares “I am” and with that declaration “matter” is exploded into the state of chaos, undifferentiated energy. Then, Godhead declares, “I know” and perfect forms begin to emerge from chaos. Godhead declares, “I know what I am” and the perfect heaven and earth are created. Godhead declares, “I know what knowing is” and the perfect Image of knowing (the Son) is created, male and female and all of this is, as the Bible states, “very good.”
Then, as Godhead declares, “Knowing what I am, I also know what I am not and could never be,” the dusty nether world of satanic illusion-in-time is born. Here is the phantasmagoria of idealistic impossibilities over which there is no real ruler and in which there is no real power, authority or substance. Godhead declares, “Knowing who I am, I also know what knowing is not and could never be,” from out of which the dust-man is born who, in that arena of time, climbs the mountain of knowledge to rediscover his original Selfhood that precedes time.
“The world” of time and space lies this side of the REAL Heaven, and within it as well. How can it do both? Imagine a diagram of the sphere, with tangibility the downward and inward spiral to matter, mass, darkness, dead-end.
The tangible world is a composite of Wisdom's Self-knowledge and Self-knowing, both what Wisdom knows Wisdom is and is not, and what Wisdom knows KNOWING is, and is not. The limited world of “matter” is diametrically opposite the “real” heaven and earth, even while including the real within it, unseen (or barely seen) and unnoticed by dual knowing.
God's knowledge of what God (Wisdom) IS, is Unmoving Light. Satan's knowledge of what God is, is limited light, the image of Light. Satan's duplication of the true heaven and earth is made of limited light, a consistent copy of the Real. This is what science has discovered, essentially, in its recognition that tangibility is holographic.
The Perfect Image is the Original Child and it is beyond mere gender. The Luciferian reversal of The Indivisible One (Godhead) must necessarily appear dimensionally divided and many. The Original Child exists within each of the divided many—and is called the soul. The soul is the Original Image, the Child within. The physical body is an image of that image. And behind every body is the Original Child awaiting the rediscovery of Itself within.
And why such a Plan in the first place? How else would the Child KNOW—and know it knows—its dominion?
I doubt if this is written precisely enough for the intellect, but it is seen and known rightly even while I struggle to find amenable words which will be (and must stand to be) examined under the critical microscope of intellectualism's theology. The crusty shell of the old order will defend itself. Why? The dual nature of time-man and his institutions does not want to be exposed—as if putting down an icon actually mattered! The icon is cast aside at death. All icons will be put aside as the world of time is understood, rolled up like a scroll and turned off like a hologram disappearing when the machine's power is cut off.
The phantasmagoria, the holographic material world, is certain to be rolled up and turned off. The ephemeral nature of tangibility has been proven over and over for me and many others who have chosen to understand the nature of Reality. “Subjective metaphysics” has been proving the insubstantial nature of physical stuff for generations.
It is moot whether dogmatic churchdom or the stalled subjective studies are the greatest deterrent to the perception of Godhead and Its dominion. Does it make a difference? Perhaps. Whom will we tell of the unifying and harmonizing synthesis of science, religion and metaphysics? Who will most likely listen? If I knew where to direct the Light I have seen, I'd aim it at the segment of society that is least deceiving everyone. Clearly churchdom is an anchor dragging, not sanctioning a search beyond its interpretation of the Bible or other holy books. Clearly subjectivism knows nothing of the Child, the soul, little of human love and nearly nothing of the Equation. Fewer subjectivists can understand what is spoken of here than religionists—but churchmen seem to understand nothing whatever of subjectivism—unless they have taken time away from their binding organizational restraints to learn of it. Both churchman and metaphysician (religious or otherwise) can understand the subjective truth if they want to. Isn't this a hint that we are to direct this simple restatement to the entire scene of things, physicist, theologian, metaphysician alike? Ah so. Who can do that? Only God. God is doing it. The cosmic clock has clicked on and Everyman has begun to stir. The syntheses is coming. A grand global harmony is just around the corner—the one the prophets spoke of wherein there is no more sighing, no more tears, no more fear nor need of temples and teachers."
[Rich Note: Here is Bill's counsel with regard to "Everyone's Higher Calling" in the face of the "kinder, gentler version" of the "End Times" (re: "the end of time" or the world as "we know it") Bill suggests is just about upon us: "The final discipline involves the correct apprehension of IDENTITY and passing that clear perception along to our world as quickly as we can."]
[Rich Note**: Bill variously uses “Overmind, Mind, Isness, Being, Godhead or the Ineffable” when referencing the One Absolute State, the Non-Dual or Stateless State for Advaitists, Nirguna Brahman for Hindus, YHVH or Hashem for the Jewish, the Father for Christians, Allah for Muslims, No Mind or Buddha Nature for Buddhists, the Tao for Taoists or the “Absolute, Infinite Potential to Be Any and All Things, in All Time and All Space, in All Possible Dimensions Thereof, as the Logically Necessary Ground of Any and All Existence or Being” that even “hard-core, “dyed in the wool” atheists and/or agnostics have to concede (How so? Rather simply, because “you can’t have a Relative State of Awareness or Consciousness without an Absolute One from which to “relate to it” as Being and experience It as Such).]
Hay-Ku of the Day (Actualization)
March 2, 2011
"Positively 4th Street (2011, oceancity.patch.com photograph); Hanging out with my buddy Teddy (Terje Thogersen) at the Thursday morning “satang, existentialist gab-fest and/or bull-session"-- all accurate descriptions, in any given moment of time.
If I do not act
On my Understanding it’s
Of little matter.
If I don’t act on
What I Know to Be True it’s
Effectively false.
If I don’t act on
What I know of the Truth than
What does it matter?
[Rich Note: Although discussed to some extend previously, the following two slightly edited responses to friend’s commenting on the Bill Samuel “Judge Not” video this morning answered an old friend’s recent question as to the “whys and wherefores” of the “apparent break-though” Bill Samuel’s counsel has wroth with “yours truly” and, as such, deserve “space on the front page”(so to speak):
(1) Thanks, Shira. Forty years on the Path and, at least in my experience, Bill Samuel is unique in his capacity to both express and make "non-dual, self-realization" accessible to anyone “off the street” (re: to those still seeking permanent happiness in ever-changing world).
Neither do I have any doubt that Bill can help anyone who is "sick and tired of being sick and tired" (or otherwise ready to “stop, look and listen” to what Bill has to say with their Heart) make the Quantum Leap required between "Knowing the Truth" (reflectively, in one's head) and "Being That" (directly, in one's heart).
(2) Wonderful to see you, Rene -- It's been way too long!
Haven't talked to you since I ran into Bill Samuel and he, as a kind of "switch-like actuator," completed a long-missing (un-recognized is truer) circuit between the "Direct Light of the Heart" and the "Self-Same Reflected Light of the Head/Intellect” – where the latter is “reading the menu” and the former is acting on the information the menu presents and “actually eating the food.”
And that through a rather simple EQUATION that only involves acting on one's Heartfelt Understanding (on Faith, with Signs and Wonders/Outer Confirmation following). Or, as Jesus put it, "rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's"; and, in the process, playing one’s rightful role as a “Divine Conduit, Vessel or Holy Grail,” intended to transfer energy between Heaven (the Spirit, Intangible or Potential) and Earth (the Flesh, Tangible or Actual).”
Still an "apparent work in progress," Rene, but what reason and logic would call Miraculous (some would call it "Grace or Unmerited Favor, pressed down and running over") is starting to show-up "out there" on an inordinately, regular basis. Of course, actually expecting and looking for said Grace and Perfection, (based on the Top-Down Thinking Bill Samuel also suggests) is a likely "contributory factor" in the process.]
Hay-Ku of the Day (Single-Eyed Seeing)
Feb 23, 2011
Single Eye (2009): The “Great Seal” on a $1 bill is reminiscent of the equilateral triangle metaphor in which the “All Seeing Eye” (Eye of God) at the apex sees from Alpha to Omega on the Base (as a representation of All Time) all at “One Time."
A Selfless Point of
View enables One to See
With a Single-Eye.
A Dimensionless
Viewpoint allows One to See
With a Single-Eye.
Hay-Ku of the Day (On the Wings of Love)
Feb 15, 2011
Da Shan (2003); Mount Fuji standing in for "Da Shan, the Mythical Mountain of Seeking and Finding,” whose slopes we in the world climb, seek to reach its peak, find our Timeless, Original Home and realize Awareness as our True and Ultimate Identity.
The Only Way to
Become What I Am is stop
Thinking otherwise.
There is No Way to
Become What I Am, other
Than just Being That.
Rich Note: Two conceptual twists on the King’s “THERE IS NO WAY THERE BUT TO BE THERE” response to the Woodcutter in the following excerpt from Bill Samuel’s “The Melody of the Woodcutter and the King”:
"My son," I answered the woodman, "to climb o'er the ground from plateau to plateau, is not the way to go. There is no path on the mountain that leads all the way to the top; nor a single place where a woodman may let go his axe; there is no plateau on any slope where one may stop contending with opposites. For to climb o'er the ground from goal to goal, creates the original two-ness - a climber and a goal."
"Then how, councilor?" the woodsman asked, "how can I climb the mountain, how may I reach the throne?"
"Listen softly," I said to the woodman, "listen gently with the Heart. THERE IS NO WAY THERE BUT TO BE THERE! This way soars above the ground, above the landmarks, above the plateaus. Swiftly, silently, immediately on wings of Love, this is how I shall take you there beloved, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, on the wings of the morning. Indeed the way there is to be there!]
Feb 12, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Melody)
Woodcutters Children (Wikimeida Commons, William Stewart MacGeorge, 2009 photograph of a painting done prior to 1921); The woodcutter is clearly a metaphor for “mankind fallen into a knowledge of good and evil" (re: a relative state of consciousness); Companion haiku: The “Woodcutter” is One self-identified with egocentric thought.].
The Saga of the
“Woodcutter and the King” is
The Story of Man.
The Saga of the
“Woodcutter and the King” is
Everyone’s Story.
“The Melody of
The Woodcutter and the King “
Is “Your Own Story.”
[Rich Note: A paraphrased offering based on a suggestion made by Bill Samuel during an audio preface to “The Melody of the Woodcutter and the King” -- a simple, unpretentious, yet utterly profound, alliterative, Spiritual Masterpiece that might well be psychologically titled, "The Story of Man, The Whys and Wherefores of the Human Dilemma.”]
Feb 12, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Immortality)
"Death Swallowed Up in Victory" (Phillip Medhurst, 1796, photo by Harry Kossuth); A "field-day" (re: winged heart, halo of 12 stars, dead snake/dragon, skull, blooming flowers, grass, earth, trees, bushes, sun, light, ....) for a symbologist; Companion haiku: "This Awareness Right Here, Right Now," is What One Is and Alway will Be.].
“This Awareness Right
Here, Right Now,” is Timeless and
Not subject to death.
“This Awareness Right
Here, Right Now," is Changeless and
Never comes or goes.
“This Awareness Right
Here, Right Now,” is What One Is
Prior to Life and Death.
[Rich Note: (Biblically Speaking) “So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory 1 Cor. 15:54-55 (KJV).]
[Rich Note: As there are now nearly 400 variations of this “This Awareness Right Here, Right Now, “direct pointer to what can't be said” (a verbal finger akin to the physical one used to point to the moon) to the Single-Selfhood and/or Identity of the One Life of All, we’ll start spreading them out a bit after this one.]
Feb 12, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Last Walk/On Eagle's Wings)
Last Walk Home [Sir Colonel Higgins (Higgie) Hay (1-21-96 to 1-24-11)]; Last morning and walk photograph that called to mind "Out of the Shadows and Into the Light" as a eupheminsm for death and related haiku; Companion Haiku: "Out of the Shadows and into Light” the "Puppy" rose “on Eagle’s Wings."
Born to Fly on “Wings
As Eagles” -- “Out of the Shadows
And into the Light.”
"Out of the Shadows
And Into Light” the “Pup” rose
Upon "Morning’s Wings.”
[Rich Note: I’m going to interrupt “This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now” theme that has going on for the last several posts (a series that will definitely continue, as there are probably over 300 variants on the theme in the hay-ku archives by now) to honor the passing of long time friend and “buddy,” Higgins,” an almost 15 year old Yellow Lab, as he passed “Out of the Shadows into the Light” – a lovely euphemism for death, quite literally inspired (although an internet search reveal variants in advertisements and book title and expressions, I don’t remember hearing it before here and doubt its is being used as a specific euphemism for death – but who knows?) by our “last walk together” at the vets yesterday.
Doing so will also afford a wonderful opportunity to share a beautiful piece by Bill Samuel, entitled the “Contradistinction Called Death” -- a peace that was read yesterday morning prior to that “last walk with Higgins” that brought “healing on its wings” and literal “Peace to both Mind and Heart .”]
Jan 21, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Hiding in Plain Sight)
Tao Fish (2000); “2+2=Reality”: The Little Red Book with the “Big, In No Uncertain Terms, Utterly Simple and, yet, Perfectly Profound Answers” to the “Is There a God and Who Am I?” Questions; cover art by Alexandra Bliss Jones; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
“This Awareness, Right
Here, Right Now”, is the Father’s
Knowledge of Being.
“This Awareness, Right
Here, Right Now”, is the Divine
Self-Knowledge of God.
“This Awareness, Right
Here, Right Now” is the Divine
Consciousness You Are.
[Rich Note: This offering involves a marriage of the following three non-sequential quotes from Bill Samuel’s “2+2=Reality”: “Awareness itself is what you are. It is all you are”; “God is all that is here. God is this very Awareness I am”; “This Awareness of existence, that is right here, right now, is divine! It is God's Awareness, not 'mine'.” (Side note: Although I make a distinction between Awareness and Consciousness for conceptual computation”, Bill uses them synonymously.) ]
[Rich Note: As a note of clarification (although its involves), there is a “Quantum Existential Leap” between the following two fundamental premises: first, “believing (based on the partial report of relative thought, sense and feeling) that “I have Awareness” (when, in fact, It actually belongs to “Being, Reality, Principle or God” – you pick the Name) and, in so doing, placing a finite limit on the ultimate degree of Life, Light and Love said Divine Awareness can ultimately express; and (2) second, the “Knowing I Am that Self-Same Awareness" and, thus, fully able to Manifest the Absolute Potential to Be that Infinite (Non-Relative or Non-Dual) Awareness of Being necessarily implies.]
Jan 15, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Pearl of Great Worth)
Kicking Pearls (2009 Wikamedia Commons; by AdelaMae, retouched by Patafisik); Couldn’t resist this extremely pregnant, companion image, as it combines (unintentionally, I’m sure) two classic and one rather obscure “esoteric (inner teaching) symbols; Companion haiku: "This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now," is the "Pearl of Great Worth" that One Is.
“This Awareness, Right
Here, Right Now” is the “Pearl of
Great Worth” in Your Heart.
[Rich Note: (Biblically Speaking) – “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: [46] Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. [Matthew 13:45-46 (KJV)).].
[Rich Note: “This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now” is a recurring declaration in Bill Samuel’s works ( view link ), and one that is rendered in an extremely powerful and moving way (as it relates to the Woodcutter”s Ultimate Identity as Once and Future King) in Bill's "heartfelt reading" of the “Melody of the Woodcutter and the King”.]
Jan 10, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Name Game)
This Is Not a Computer (2011): What you see here is not a computer, neither is Wikapedia's definition of God, God -- for, as the general-semantics folks like to sing, "Oh, the word is not the thing, the word is not the thing...Hi Ho the Dairy O..."; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
If "God" is renamed
"Reality," God as That,
Cannot be denied.
"God" defined as the
“Ultimate Reality”
Cannot be denied.
"God" defined as the
"Isness of Being" is not
Subject to question.
[Rich Note: I can’t deny the fact of my own Reality, my own Existence, my own Isness or Beingness, my own Sense and Knowledge of Being Present and Aware as I Am; or, even more simply, Primal Awareness of Being; and that because I have to be Present and Aware as I Am (and so Exist as That Reality and/or most Basic Common Denominator) in order to "either affirm or deny" that Existence or that Primal Awareness of Being I Ultimaely Am. For that is a close as One self-identified with "relative thought' sense and feeling" can come to a having a direct relationship with the Absolute Ground of All Being and, Ultimately, Itself.]
[Rich Note: Offering inspired by an audio reading of Bill Samuel’s 2 + 2 = Reality, in which Bill declared “This book might have been better titled, “The Importance of Defining Terms.”]
Jan 6, 2011
Hay-Ku of the Day (The Warrior-Poet Yields)
Shadow Box (2011) “Shadow Box” has particular meaning in the context of the one who went to war 40 years ago and returned as a well decorated young Aircraft Commander in AC-119K Gunships; Companion haiku: The Warrior-Poet Yields His Sword to the Child-Heart of the Holy One.
The Warrior-Poet
Yields his Sword to the Child-Heart
Of God Within All.
Dec 31, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (A Prayer for Peace)
Sandy and Bill (1992); A sweet picture of Bill with Sandy Jones, who subsequently became his Literary Executor and, one might say, “Keeper of the Flame"; Companion hiaku: Accompanying.
Father, May I Know
Thy Peace, See Thy Perfection
And Be as Thou Art.
[Rich Note: An extrapolated version of a Prayer made from a “perspective of personal helplessness,” (re: “rock bottom in the pit of despair”) that resulted in a “Break-Though” (as Meister Eckhart characterized such epiphanies), shared by Bill Samuel during a seminar once given in Los Angeles.]
Dec 27, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Self-Knowledge)
William Samuel (1924-1996): "Bill has found a way to communicate so that as many that are willing will discover, uncover, and be the Tranquility untouched by turmoil....a tranquility as effortlessly available as our own Identity"; Companion haiku: William Samuel can Deliever the Christ Child Living in Your Heart.
Your Awareness of
Being is the Self-Knowledge
Of God Manifest.
The Awareness You
Are is the Self-Knowledge of
God Manifesting.
[Rich Note: This is another offering directly inspired by Bill Samuel ( view link ) whose written and oral teachings I find to be a Treasure or, better yet, a "Divine Easter Egg" that has been “hidden in plain sight” for 30 years, awaiting world-wide discover "for such a time as this.”]
Bill Samuel Provides
A Priceless Chance to Live
As the Truth You Are.
Bill Samuel offers
The "Greatest Gift of All": The
Child of God You Are.
[Rich Note: For one (re: athiest, agnostic or bruised by church) who might have trouble (or has friends who have trouble) calling the Ultimate Reality or Nature of Existence "God," I suggest you do yourself a Real Favor and download Bill's complementary "Two plus Two = Reality" PDF from the aforementioned web-site.]
Dec 24, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (A Joyous Christmas to All)
Love, Joy and Life (1982); A long-a-go Christmas Poem turned into a beautiful Christmas card by long-time friend, Barbara Wright; Companion haiku: Christmas bespeaks an annual reminder of Our Divine Potential.
Short Form:
Christmas-time is a
Holy Reminder that We
Are One in Spirit.
Long Form:
With Christmas so near,
It’s that Time of Year;
God’s Spirit made Real.
God’s Love that We feel.
Again Born in Mind,
God’s Image Divine;
The Joy of His Sharing,
His Wondrous Caring.
The Birth of a Son
In Whom We Are One;
God’s Gift from Above,
His Life and His Love.
Rich Hay
[Rich Note: Biblically speaking, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the Government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6 (KJV).]
Hay-Ku of the Day (Enlightenment Is)
December 19, 2010
"Weightless Surveillance
Of the Scene" is what One Is
With "Enlightenment."
[Rich Note: "Weightless Surveillance of the Scene," as a Perfect Descriptor of "Pure Awareness, Enlightenment, That which Knows I Am/You Are/One Is or What We All Ultimately Are (in Essence, Spirit and Truth) comes from New Friend Bill Samuel's (http://williamsamuel.com) sweet audio message to Friends, Kathy and John, entitled: "This Is It"!]
[Rich Note: Bill’s “Weightless Surveillance of the Scene” is a perfect "visceral word picture” of Suzuki’s declaration that "Enlightenment is just like everyday life, only six-inches off the ground"; or the one I never achieved in my drinking days (only with me it was a case of beer), "Enlightenment is like drinking a bottle of vodka (might have be sake) without the hangover."]
[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Bodhisattva (2010); The Sanskrit meaning of Bodhisattva is “Awakened Truth” or "Enlightenment Being"; Companion haiku: Enlightened of the "idea that I am" now a separate person.]
Hay-Ku of the Day (Consciousness Is)
December 15, 2010
You are the Space-Like
Aware Sensory Presence
That Consciousness Is.
You are the Space-Like
Aware Presence of Being
That Consciousness Is.
[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Atom (Wikimedia, 2010 Marek M): As the basic building block of matter, the atom is more than 99 space and, as such, no matter how you might choose to define yourself – as a body, mind, soul or spirit, you are more truly space the form; Companion haiku: Accompanying.]