[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Enigmatic Circle Photograph)
Enigmatic Circle (2010); The "interlinked and locking, continuous, common-thread motif" of this Celtic Cross provides a wonderful icon for the "circle coming full" nature of "minding the source of the mind" this offering implies; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
"Minding the Primal
Sense of Being I Am" is
"Abiding in Christ."
"Abiding in Christ"
Means "Minding the Primal Sense
Of Being You Are."
[Rich Note: "Abiding in Christ," which came this morning, would appear to be the "third-line" I felt was missing from the original "Minding the Primal Sense of Being You Are" offering the other day. Always wondered how one was to "do that" in a non-conceptual way, and there you have it.]
This “Hay-Ku of the Day” (HOTD) Blog is dedicated to the dissemination of a daily Hay-Ku (non-traditional metaphysical, philosophical and/or theological haiku-like, wisdom saying or aphorism) that reflects an insight related to a 40 year search for Truth as the Common Thread in enduring world philosophies, theologies and metaphysical systems. “Smart bombs targeting deeply embedded patterns of self-centered thought” (itself a hay-ku) serves as a good summation of what a hay-ku actually is.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (Mind Meld)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Self-Reflection Photograph)
Self-Reflection (2008); This reflected image of the sun in still water is not the sun, but said image is one with the sun with respect to light of which it is composed; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Minding the Primal
Sense of Being You Are is
Minding the Primal
Sense of Being You Are weds
Reflection and Light.
Minding the Primal
Sense of Being You Are melds
Mind with its Essence.
(Self-Reflection Photograph)
Self-Reflection (2008); This reflected image of the sun in still water is not the sun, but said image is one with the sun with respect to light of which it is composed; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Minding the Primal
Sense of Being You Are is
Minding the Primal
Sense of Being You Are weds
Reflection and Light.
Minding the Primal
Sense of Being You Are melds
Mind with its Essence.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (Heaven's Gate)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Heaven's Gate Photograph)
Heaven’s Gate (2002 Wikipedia Commons licensed by Subarite); The twelve blocks that make up this sculptural “Heaven’s Gate" have significance with respect to the “I Am” abstract that opens Chapter 1, The Word, of OOMM; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Keeping in mind the
Primal Sense of Being You
Are is Heaven’s Gate.
Keeping in mind the
Primal Sense of Being You
Are opens the Heart.
(Heaven's Gate Photograph)
Heaven’s Gate (2002 Wikipedia Commons licensed by Subarite); The twelve blocks that make up this sculptural “Heaven’s Gate" have significance with respect to the “I Am” abstract that opens Chapter 1, The Word, of OOMM; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Keeping in mind the
Primal Sense of Being You
Are is Heaven’s Gate.
Keeping in mind the
Primal Sense of Being You
Are opens the Heart.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (Amusement)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Amusement Photograph)
Amusement (2009); Getting “your mind off your mind” is the primary objective of amusement parks, movie theaters, TV, video games and any other form of entertainment (or self-distraction) you might care to mention; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Getting your mind off
Your mind is guaranteed to
Make you feel better.
(Amusement Photograph)
Amusement (2009); Getting “your mind off your mind” is the primary objective of amusement parks, movie theaters, TV, video games and any other form of entertainment (or self-distraction) you might care to mention; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Getting your mind off
Your mind is guaranteed to
Make you feel better.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (Heart to Heart)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Heart Wide Open Photograph)
Heart Wide Open (1992): Only a Heart wide-open to Life in Its Infinite Variety is sufficiently Selfless to Love Unconditionally, as an Absolute God necessarily would: Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Given each other
To learn how to Love without
Any condition.
God has given us
Each other to learn how to
Love Absolutely.
[Rich Note: Wife Sandy has a wonderful knack at picking out greeting cards, but really out did herself (as well as the second of today’s offerings, written for her card this morning) with a valentine card that ended with “This sweet, complicated togetherness of ours,” as a perfect characterization of the last 43 years of “this think crazy thing called love.”]
(Heart Wide Open Photograph)
Heart Wide Open (1992): Only a Heart wide-open to Life in Its Infinite Variety is sufficiently Selfless to Love Unconditionally, as an Absolute God necessarily would: Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Given each other
To learn how to Love without
Any condition.
God has given us
Each other to learn how to
Love Absolutely.
[Rich Note: Wife Sandy has a wonderful knack at picking out greeting cards, but really out did herself (as well as the second of today’s offerings, written for her card this morning) with a valentine card that ended with “This sweet, complicated togetherness of ours,” as a perfect characterization of the last 43 years of “this think crazy thing called love.”]
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (The Unknown Knower)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Windows of the Soul Photograph)
Windows of the Soul (2010); Although these appear to be my eyes, they are obviously only an outer reflection that reveals very little about their inner nature; Companion haiku: A knower can’t be known for the same reason eyes cannot self-observe.
I as the subject
Can’t be the object of my
Own observation.
The knower cannot
Be known for the same reason eyes
Cannot see themselves.
(Windows of the Soul Photograph)
Windows of the Soul (2010); Although these appear to be my eyes, they are obviously only an outer reflection that reveals very little about their inner nature; Companion haiku: A knower can’t be known for the same reason eyes cannot self-observe.
I as the subject
Can’t be the object of my
Own observation.
The knower cannot
Be known for the same reason eyes
Cannot see themselves.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (Perception)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Medicine Wheel Photograph)
Medicine Wheel (2009); This rock medicine wheel, which recently appeared on NCIS and correlates quite nicely with six-pointed star symbolism previously discussed, has to appear outside of the one observing it for it to be perceived; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Anything that can
Be felt, sensed or envisioned
Is other than you.
Anything you can
Feel, sense or perceive must be
Other than you are.
(Medicine Wheel Photograph)
Medicine Wheel (2009); This rock medicine wheel, which recently appeared on NCIS and correlates quite nicely with six-pointed star symbolism previously discussed, has to appear outside of the one observing it for it to be perceived; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Anything that can
Be felt, sensed or envisioned
Is other than you.
Anything you can
Feel, sense or perceive must be
Other than you are.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (This Mind of Mind)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Mind Artistic Spiral Photograph)
Mind Artistic Spiral (Wikipedia Commons, 2006, by Harun Yahya); This “overlay of quasar on brain outline" seems to reflect the circular nature of relative thought, the Ouroboros (a snake bitting its own tail) and “bitten by the blacksnake” ego symbolism; Companion haku: Accompanying.
This mind of mine is
A terrible master and
Wonderful servant.
[Rich Note: “Human mind, carnal mind, relative thought, self-reflection, reflective thought, self-centered thought, egoic thought, thought process or I as I think” can all be substituted for “mind of mine.”]
(Mind Artistic Spiral Photograph)
Mind Artistic Spiral (Wikipedia Commons, 2006, by Harun Yahya); This “overlay of quasar on brain outline" seems to reflect the circular nature of relative thought, the Ouroboros (a snake bitting its own tail) and “bitten by the blacksnake” ego symbolism; Companion haku: Accompanying.
This mind of mine is
A terrible master and
Wonderful servant.
[Rich Note: “Human mind, carnal mind, relative thought, self-reflection, reflective thought, self-centered thought, egoic thought, thought process or I as I think” can all be substituted for “mind of mine.”]
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (No Way)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Wrong Tool, Wrong Way Photograph)
Wrong Tool, Wrong Way (2010); Although the mind, like binoculars, is good at “looking out” and magnifying objects at a distance, it is not very good at “looking within," seeing from "no distance" or viewing Big Picture Items, such as You or Life Its; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Mind is constantly
Trying to tell us who we
Are and never can.
Looking to the mind
To tell me “Who I Am” is
Using the wrong tool.
Looking to the mind
For the “Meaning of Life” is
Looking the wrong way.
(Wrong Tool, Wrong Way Photograph)
Wrong Tool, Wrong Way (2010); Although the mind, like binoculars, is good at “looking out” and magnifying objects at a distance, it is not very good at “looking within," seeing from "no distance" or viewing Big Picture Items, such as You or Life Its; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Mind is constantly
Trying to tell us who we
Are and never can.
Looking to the mind
To tell me “Who I Am” is
Using the wrong tool.
Looking to the mind
For the “Meaning of Life” is
Looking the wrong way.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (Self-Observation)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Mental Space Photograph)
Mental Space (2009); Self-observation rather than self-reflection is how to be free; Companion haiku: If self-thought is the problem, thinking about it is not the answer.
Observing the mind
Gives one sufficient space
To see what one is.
Observing the mind
Creates space enough to see
You are not the mind.
(Mental Space Photograph)
Mental Space (2009); Self-observation rather than self-reflection is how to be free; Companion haiku: If self-thought is the problem, thinking about it is not the answer.
Observing the mind
Gives one sufficient space
To see what one is.
Observing the mind
Creates space enough to see
You are not the mind.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hay-Ku of the Day (In the Gap)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(The Gap Photograph)
The Gap (2009); As the gap between these two snow banks will still be present as space when the banks are not there to define it, so will the consciousness that sequential thoughts define remain when said thoughts are not present to reflect it; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
In the Gap between
One thought and another is
Consciousness Itself.
In the Gap between
One thought and another is
The Knowledge I Am.
The Gap between One
Thought and Another is the
Consciousness You Are.
[Rich Note: The Ground of Being, The Oneness of All, Everything we seek, Knowledge of Being, Conscious Awareness, Witnessing Presence or Pure Aware Presence are all good third-line substitutes in the first two offerings.]
(The Gap Photograph)
The Gap (2009); As the gap between these two snow banks will still be present as space when the banks are not there to define it, so will the consciousness that sequential thoughts define remain when said thoughts are not present to reflect it; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
In the Gap between
One thought and another is
Consciousness Itself.
In the Gap between
One thought and another is
The Knowledge I Am.
The Gap between One
Thought and Another is the
Consciousness You Are.
[Rich Note: The Ground of Being, The Oneness of All, Everything we seek, Knowledge of Being, Conscious Awareness, Witnessing Presence or Pure Aware Presence are all good third-line substitutes in the first two offerings.]