[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(VIP Photograph)
V.I.P (2009); Instead of a “Very Important Person” (which from an Absolute Perspective would be a real oxymoron”) I would suggest that what is being pointed to today is a “Very Important Principle or Perspective” (in fact, the Ultimate One); Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Looking into That
Which I Am looking out of
I find what I seek.
Looking into That
Which I Am looking out of
Only One remains.
[Rich Note: Another offering that calls to mind a multitude of other potential third lines, many of which follow: Restores Paradise, Offers Salvation, Offers Peace and Joy, Ends in Happiness, Unifies the Mind, Unifies Being, Enlightens Being, Reintegrates Mind, Awakens Glory, Resurrects Glory, Resurrects Being, Resurrects the Lord, Resurrects the Truth, Is Paradise Found, Is Self-Transcending, Transcends the ego, Is Transpersonal, Is Direct Seeing, Is Direct Insight, Offers True Insight, Is True Mindfulness, Is Meditation, Ends all suffering, Puts an end to fear, Answers all questions and There is only One.]
[Rich Note: A comment by Allen, on another venue, called to mind the following related Meister Eckhart quote: "The eye with which I see God is the same with which God sees me."]
This “Hay-Ku of the Day” (HOTD) Blog is dedicated to the dissemination of a daily Hay-Ku (non-traditional metaphysical, philosophical and/or theological haiku-like, wisdom saying or aphorism) that reflects an insight related to a 40 year search for Truth as the Common Thread in enduring world philosophies, theologies and metaphysical systems. “Smart bombs targeting deeply embedded patterns of self-centered thought” (itself a hay-ku) serves as a good summation of what a hay-ku actually is.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Hay-Ku of the Day (Seeing One Self)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Look to the light Photograph)
Look to the Light (2009); Without the Light of Awareness You Are there is nothing to see and no one to see it; Companion haiku: Look to That out of which You Are Looking and see Yourself as You Are.
When I look into
That which is looking I see
Myself as I Am.
(Look to the light Photograph)
Look to the Light (2009); Without the Light of Awareness You Are there is nothing to see and no one to see it; Companion haiku: Look to That out of which You Are Looking and see Yourself as You Are.
When I look into
That which is looking I see
Myself as I Am.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hay-Ku of the Day (Seeing Forever)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(All Seeing Eye Photograph)
All Seeing Eye (2009); An Eye at the apex of a pyramid (such as the one on a dollar bill) would have sufficient focal length and associated breadth of vision to see the whole pyramid all at one time (or in no time) and thus be “All Seeing"; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
An Absolute Point
Of View would embrace every
Partial perspective.
An Absolute Point
Of View would be Selfless and
Embrace All Being.
(All Seeing Eye Photograph)
All Seeing Eye (2009); An Eye at the apex of a pyramid (such as the one on a dollar bill) would have sufficient focal length and associated breadth of vision to see the whole pyramid all at one time (or in no time) and thus be “All Seeing"; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
An Absolute Point
Of View would embrace every
Partial perspective.
An Absolute Point
Of View would be Selfless and
Embrace All Being.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Hay-Ku of the Day (World Peace)
[Rich: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Peace Image)
Peace (Wikipedia Commons Database): To quote a rather famous song: “Let there be Peace in the world and let it begin with me;” however, for that to happen I would have to stop being a mental house divided by relative thought; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Peace in the world is
Impossible without Peace
In the Heart of Man.
(Peace Image)
Peace (Wikipedia Commons Database): To quote a rather famous song: “Let there be Peace in the world and let it begin with me;” however, for that to happen I would have to stop being a mental house divided by relative thought; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Peace in the world is
Impossible without Peace
In the Heart of Man.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hay-Ku of the Day (Baying at the Moon)
[Rich Note: Accompanying image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Baying at the Moon Photograph)
Baying at the Moon (2009); A phrase I used to characterize the “existential sadness and depths of despair” (subsequently recognized as a symptom of Delayed Stress Syndrome (DSS) associated with Vietnam service) that sometimes arose while “in my cups"; Photo Caption: Accompanying.]
"Like a dog barking
At its own reflection" I
Criticize “my” world.
[Rich Note: Inspired this morning (and so appropriate to the line of thought of the last few days it stepped to the head of the que) by the following Sufi story:
“Mullah Nasrudin, standing on the bank of a river, watched as a dog came to drink. The dog saw itself in the water and immediately began to bark. It barked and barked all morning and into the afternoon, until it was foaming at the mouth. Finally, dying of thirst, the dog fell in the river-- whereupon it quenched its thirst, climbed out and walked happily away.
Nasrudin said, "Thus I realized that all my life I had been barking at my own reflection."
(From “The Light that I am - Notes from the Ground of Being,” page 49, by J.C. Arberchele).]
(Baying at the Moon Photograph)
Baying at the Moon (2009); A phrase I used to characterize the “existential sadness and depths of despair” (subsequently recognized as a symptom of Delayed Stress Syndrome (DSS) associated with Vietnam service) that sometimes arose while “in my cups"; Photo Caption: Accompanying.]
"Like a dog barking
At its own reflection" I
Criticize “my” world.
[Rich Note: Inspired this morning (and so appropriate to the line of thought of the last few days it stepped to the head of the que) by the following Sufi story:
“Mullah Nasrudin, standing on the bank of a river, watched as a dog came to drink. The dog saw itself in the water and immediately began to bark. It barked and barked all morning and into the afternoon, until it was foaming at the mouth. Finally, dying of thirst, the dog fell in the river-- whereupon it quenched its thirst, climbed out and walked happily away.
Nasrudin said, "Thus I realized that all my life I had been barking at my own reflection."
(From “The Light that I am - Notes from the Ground of Being,” page 49, by J.C. Arberchele).]
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Hay-Ku of the Day (Self-Determined)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Double Vision Photograph)
Double Vision (2009): Looking through these archways projects their limits on an otherwise panoramic beach scene and relatively boundless horizon; Companion haiku: The relative way I am conditioned to look limits what I see.
What I presently
See is a function of the
Way I am looking.
What I see depends
On the partial way I am
Conditioned to look.
(Double Vision Photograph)
Double Vision (2009): Looking through these archways projects their limits on an otherwise panoramic beach scene and relatively boundless horizon; Companion haiku: The relative way I am conditioned to look limits what I see.
What I presently
See is a function of the
Way I am looking.
What I see depends
On the partial way I am
Conditioned to look.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hay-Ku of the Day (Quantum Effect)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Famous Face Photograph)
Famous Face (2009): Seeing things (in this case a famous face) in a cloud formation, may or may not have a quantum effect on the cloud, but it does illustrate the conceptual, self-projective tendency of the mind: Companion haiku: Accompanying.
If observation
Effects what is seen than all
I see reflects me.
If observations
Are observer conditioned
I see what I am.
[Rich Note: "Quantum 101: The observer conditions his observations."]
(Famous Face Photograph)
Famous Face (2009): Seeing things (in this case a famous face) in a cloud formation, may or may not have a quantum effect on the cloud, but it does illustrate the conceptual, self-projective tendency of the mind: Companion haiku: Accompanying.
If observation
Effects what is seen than all
I see reflects me.
If observations
Are observer conditioned
I see what I am.
[Rich Note: "Quantum 101: The observer conditions his observations."]
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hay-Ku of the Day (Taken to Heart)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Through a Glass Darkly Photograph)
Through a Glass Darkly (2009): As dark glasses necessarily project darkness on all that is seen, so does a self-reflective state of relative consciousness (as a perceptual mechanism) project it own egocentricity (and relativity) on Existence; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Partial perspectives
Project relative limits
That we take to Heart.
Partial perspectives
Project relative limits
We assume are Real.
(Through a Glass Darkly Photograph)
Through a Glass Darkly (2009): As dark glasses necessarily project darkness on all that is seen, so does a self-reflective state of relative consciousness (as a perceptual mechanism) project it own egocentricity (and relativity) on Existence; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Partial perspectives
Project relative limits
That we take to Heart.
Partial perspectives
Project relative limits
We assume are Real.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hay-Ku of the Day (Being is Knowing)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Imaginary Photograph)
[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Imaginary (2009): In relation to Being, "knower and known" are no more or less real than this imaginary dragon on the OCNJ boardwalk; Companion haiku: Being is knowing without the knower and known woven into “me.”]
Being is Knowing
Without the “Knower and Known”
Doubling vision.
Being is Knowing
Without the “Knower and Known”
Getting in the Way.
[Rich Note: “Limiting, dividing or distorting vision” also work for the first offering, while “of self-reflection, conception or ignorance” work for the second.]
[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Imaginary (2009): In relation to Being, "knower and known" are no more or less real than this imaginary dragon on the OCNJ boardwalk; Companion haiku: Being is knowing without the knower and known woven into “me.”]
(Imaginary Photograph)
[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Imaginary (2009): In relation to Being, "knower and known" are no more or less real than this imaginary dragon on the OCNJ boardwalk; Companion haiku: Being is knowing without the knower and known woven into “me.”]
Being is Knowing
Without the “Knower and Known”
Doubling vision.
Being is Knowing
Without the “Knower and Known”
Getting in the Way.
[Rich Note: “Limiting, dividing or distorting vision” also work for the first offering, while “of self-reflection, conception or ignorance” work for the second.]
[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Imaginary (2009): In relation to Being, "knower and known" are no more or less real than this imaginary dragon on the OCNJ boardwalk; Companion haiku: Being is knowing without the knower and known woven into “me.”]
Friday, September 4, 2009
Hay-Ku of the Day (Oneness)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(The Apparent Many Photograph)
The Apparent Many (2009) While the “particular forms” energy assumes in this image are many, the energy itself can neither be created nor destroyed and is Everlastingly One in Essence; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
As the Pure Aware
Presence of Being You Are
One with Creation.
As the Pure Aware
Presence of Being You Are
One with the Father.
[Rich Note: This is another one with a number of alternative third lines I am particularly fond of, to include: The Light of Glory, Heir to Joy and Peace, Heir to the Kingdom, Divine Joy and Peace, Everlasting Joy, Everlasting Peace, The Glory of God, One with All You see, One with Existence and One with All Being, . “You Are” is, of course, equivalent to “I Am” depending on whether One assumes a relative (dual/particle) or non-relative (non-dual/quantum) perspective of Being.]
(The Apparent Many Photograph)
The Apparent Many (2009) While the “particular forms” energy assumes in this image are many, the energy itself can neither be created nor destroyed and is Everlastingly One in Essence; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
As the Pure Aware
Presence of Being You Are
One with Creation.
As the Pure Aware
Presence of Being You Are
One with the Father.
[Rich Note: This is another one with a number of alternative third lines I am particularly fond of, to include: The Light of Glory, Heir to Joy and Peace, Heir to the Kingdom, Divine Joy and Peace, Everlasting Joy, Everlasting Peace, The Glory of God, One with All You see, One with Existence and One with All Being, . “You Are” is, of course, equivalent to “I Am” depending on whether One assumes a relative (dual/particle) or non-relative (non-dual/quantum) perspective of Being.]
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hay-Ku of the Day (Homecoming)
[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Turning Final Photograph)
Turning Final (2009): A nice silhouette of a DC10 making a final approach into Philadelphia International Airport that reminds me of the Homecoming (Prodigal Son’s Feast) that re-awakening to the Aware Presence You Are ultimately is; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Knowing the Aware
Presence of Being You Are
Is Enlightenment.
Knowing You Are the
Aware Presence of Being
Restores Paradise.
[Rich Note: “One Is,” "I Am" and "God Is" may all be substituted for “You Are” in both offerings.]
(Turning Final Photograph)
Turning Final (2009): A nice silhouette of a DC10 making a final approach into Philadelphia International Airport that reminds me of the Homecoming (Prodigal Son’s Feast) that re-awakening to the Aware Presence You Are ultimately is; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Knowing the Aware
Presence of Being You Are
Is Enlightenment.
Knowing You Are the
Aware Presence of Being
Restores Paradise.
[Rich Note: “One Is,” "I Am" and "God Is" may all be substituted for “You Are” in both offerings.]